on trend magazine issue 2 | Page 82

As a mom to a two and a half year old, I am constantly faced with the battle of how much technology is too much. Is it ok for him? How much should I participate in him using technology? What is the ideal time limit? He’s learning so should I turn it off? As a business owner, I am guilty of being on my phone too much from time to time. Especially since I can run my entire business off of it. Every beep, buzz, notification etc is a distraction for me from being the best parent that I can be. So how do you find balance in this connected age? I don’t claim to be an expert at being a Mom or a know it all when it comes to technology but here are the tips that have worked well for me and my family to be less connected and more present. Limit your own technology: I know this sounds crazy, right? It works though. I have changed many of the notification settings on my phone so that it isn’t always squawking at me every few minutes when a notification comes through. This works so well especially for after hours when I want to be present with my child. Set a time limit and teach kids about junk food apps: I set a time limit to the amount of time that my son can watch tv on the ipad or other device. I try very hard to keep it under an hour or hour and a half. I typically use that time when I am trying to get dinner ready or get myself ready for the day. Only allow him to watch and use educational apps meaning an app that will help him speak better, learn words or numbers. When he gets older I will explain that some apps are junk food and others are healthy food for your brain until then we don’t download apps that are junk food for the brain. Plan family time: After a busy day of work it can be hard to get in the mood to do something as a family but it is especially easy this time of year since the weather's getting nicer. Get outside, go for a walk or to the playground. Anything to get the family moving as a whole do this at least three times a week. Have technology free meals: In my house we don’t allow mobile devices of any sort at the table. Why? Because this is where we all sync up about our day. It is always fun and it always spills over into all of us cleaning up dinner together. Mobile free Sundays: In my house we have one day of the week where we go the whole day or almost the whole day without technology. No tv, no mobile phones, just us. It is fantastic because it forces us to connect as a family and get to know one another better. It also helps me as a parent feel connected and present with my family. Written By - Jamie Palmer Parent Like A Pro