on trend magazine issue 2 | Page 70

If you're like me, there's always something leftover in your fridge that winds up getting tossed because quite frankly, once was enough. There are lots of these recipe videos that are on social media that look really good. Sometimes that's just it...they look really good. Other times, they actually are really good. One that I have tried is cheese stuffed mashed potato bites! Super simple and quite delicious! Here's how to do it: - Kris Caporaso Ingredients 2 cups leftover and chilled Mashed Potatoes 1 Egg 1/2 cup Dry Bread Crumbs Cheddar Cheese cut into 1" chunks (one chunk per Bomb) Salt and Pepper to taste Oil for frying~ I used Canola Sour Cream and toppings for dipping Preparation Instructions 1) In a large bowl combine the Mashed Potatoes, Egg, and S&P until well blended. 2) Grab a small scoop of the Mashed Potatoes and gently form it around a Cheddar Chunk… 3) Place the Bread Crumbs into a shallow bowl, and roll that baby evenly in the Bread Crumbs. Fry them up in the oil 50 degrees, until they're evenly golden... 4) Let the drain on some paper towel . 5) Serve them with Sour Cream, and serve them warm so they explode! ~Enjoy! :) Let's say you roast a whole chicken. You have the carcass and lots of chicken left. Don't toss the carcass, boil it and make broth for chicken soup! Who doesn't love chicken soup any time of year. You can even make it and freeze it until you are ready for it. Rice is another item that we usually have extra of that never really gets put to good use. Here's a simple rice pudding recipe to help with that problem. This foodie is all about not wasting money which translates to not wasting food. These easy recipes will keep you and your family happy without all the waste. Enjoy! Do you have a favorite recipe you would like to share? Email your favorite recipe to [email protected] and we will take your recipe to our test kitchen to feature your delicious creation in a future foodie column of on trend magazine.