on trend magazine issue 2 | Page 69

Every year we hear the phrase "Spring Cleaning" and for many of us it is a reminder to start the task of decluttering, organizing, and cleaning. This phrase conjures up images of clear and open spaces and organized rooms, but who wants to clean or organize when the days are warmer and longer and we're rearing to get outdoors after being cooped up for the winter? Finding the motivation to start with spring cleaning can be so overwhelming that we oftentimes get stuck in thinking about it and don't actually do anything. Here are some ways to get started and motivate yourself! Pace Yourself: The key to successful spring cleaning is to not try to do it all. Start with a few manageable and realistic goals that you know you can do. For example, plan to organize your small entry way closet versus organizing the entire attic that is full of boxes and seasonal items. Set aside time for your clutter clearing sessions. Think about how you work best - some people prefer to work for no more than 30 minutes, whereas some people may find that once they start the momentum keeps them going. Organize and energize: Organizing and decluttering can be energizing. Visualize how great your space will look once you've completed your tasks, and how refreshed you will feel. Keep your mind on the positive end result. As you embark on the process of decluttering, think about what makes you feel good. If you work well with music, play some of your favorite energizing tunes to help motivate you to move around your rooms, or place a vase of fresh flowers or candles near you to inspire the natural beauty in your space. Clear the clutter: Start by sorting things into categories (i.e. like with like, versus categorizing by color, size, or favorite items). It will be a lot easier to sort through your items when you can see how much you have of similar type. When you're organizing throughout your space, tackle each room by starting with items on the floor, then surfaces like dressers, nightstands and bookshelves, then gradually work into the inside of your closets, drawers and cabinets. CONQUER YOUR SPACE The Key Threes - Keep, Toss, or Donate: As you declutter, you will have to make decisions on your items and most will fall into one of three categories: Keep, Toss, or Donate. Keep items that use regularly, need, and like and enjoy. Toss items are that damaged beyond repair, expired, and items that you have used and need to be recycled . Donate items that you haven't used in a long time, and no longer need or like. As you work with your items, ask yourself " why you are keeping an item?", versus asking "why should I get rid of it?" By framing this question in a more positive tone, it gives you a chance to think about what you use the item for, when you last used it, if you will use it again, and if you still like it. Relax and relish: Organizing can be physically and emotionally draining. Plan something to treat yourself after each organizing session for your hard work and time well spent. Make time for a night out with friends, a relaxing day at the spa, or a quiet night at home. Whatever you do, know that you have conquered your space and are well on your way to living organized. Margarita M. Cossuto, PhD is a professional organizer and owner of Living Organized, LLC. She works with clients in Connecticut and New York. Connect with her at 203-451-7880 or www.lorganized.com. She would like to thank Dr. Ronald G. Shapiro for helpful comments