on trend magazine issue 2 | Page 64

S pring is a great time to implement new strategies and new initiatives in your business. I love launching a new product or service this time of year, as people are typically more receptive because of the warmer weather. If you are new to entrepreneurship or a veteran these ten tips will help to set you up for success this spring and into the summer months. Set Goals: Goal setting is the key to success and accessing where you are at this point in the year then adjusting your sails based on where you are and where you want to be is a great practice. Say NO: When I first started my business I said yes to every single type of client that would want to hire me. BIG MISTAKE. By saying yes to only the type of people you can serve and serve well will not only help you grow your business you will create raving fans. Set Work Hours: When you work for yourself it can be so easy to work whenever. But remember just because you work for yourself doesn’t mean you should not have time to yourself. Actually, having time to yourself will help you stay engaged and excited about working for yourself. Create office hours and honor them. Work In Your Business: If you want to grow your business block time on your calendar each week to work in your business. Working in your business means that you spend time working on initiatives that move the needle forward to your goals. Create a Freemium: One great way to capture new email addresses is to give people an incentive to sign up for your newsletter. This is called a freemium. This will showcase your knowledge about your product or service and show value to those who are signing up and perhaps leaving them wanting more. Make Time to Network: When you own a business one of the most important things you can spend time on is networking. Making connections is the way you will grow your business. Make time to network each and every week. Pick Two Social Networks: I hear all the time from people, “I’m on linkedin, twitter, facebook, instagram, pinterest, tumbler…” and the list goes on and on. There is no WAY you can be successful at all those networks. Pick two and own them. I’m not saying you shouldn’t have a linkedin profile then focus on facebook and instagram as your primary but you will never be able to keep up if you are doing the networks well. Pick two and own them. Surround Yourself With Positive People: I never got this when I started my business but I totally get it now. Surround yourself with people who lift you higher especially your friends and business associates. These people will be the ones to help lift you up on your down days and level up your business game. Create a Mantra: My mantra is positivity, abundance, success. I repeat this to myself daily if not multiple times per day. It gets me in the right mindset and keeps me focused on moving forward. Be Present: I see it all the time people are always multi-tasking. Checking their phone while they are working with someone or continually keep checking facebook. PLEASE only do one thing at a time you will be so much happier you did. Written by - Jamie Palmer of Outlier Marketing Group outliermarketinggroup.com