on trend magazine issue 2 | Page 63

You may find they are totally supportive and help you to develop and implement a solid plan with dates for achieving each step . Be prepared for additional work and higher expectations , perhaps without additional compensation at first . You may find your management to be non-supportive . Understand why . Are you just not viewed as having leadership skills ? If so , ask for specifics – when have you failed to provide leadership ? What opportunities are there for you to improve ? Think carefully about the deficiencies . Are they real or are they simply excuses to not promote you ? If they are real work on improving and a few months later ask your manager for another review . If they are not real , consider making a lateral move to another job , possibly at a different company , where management will be more supportive of your fulfilling your career aspirations . Seek out companies with an excellent reputation for promoting from within . At your initial interview for a new job you need to be interested in the job you are seeking – otherwise you probably will not be hired , and if you are you ’ ll be unhappy , but you also need to be confident your new management will be supportive of your growth path .
On closing thought , higher level employees frequently need to be more flexible in working overtime ( at higher levels without additional pay ), being called upon outside of working hours to solve problems , or changing work shifts at the last minute . Reach some arrangements with friends and colleagues for child care , pet sitting , etc . so that you can be supportive of each other ’ s growth paths .
1I would like to thank Dr . Margarita Posada Cossuto for helpful comments .
Written by - Ronald Shapiro PhD entertainmentbyeducation . com