on trend magazine issue 2 | Page 46

7 TIPS TO CRE EXERCISE ROU With swimsuit season just around the corner getting beach body ready may have moved to the top of your list. Getting fit starts with creating habits. A friend once said to me “Bad habits are easy to create and hard to live with. Good habits are hard to create and easy to live with.” By creating good exercise habits you will be in shape in no time for swimsuit season. partner or accountability partner. By having a partner you will help keep one another accountable, motivated and focused. Grab a Fitness Tracker or App: Grab a fitness tracker or download an app. My favs, the Up Jawbone 2 or MapMyFitness These tools are fantastic for monitoring progress and showing you how you are moving forward with your progress. It will not only Set Goals: Grab a post it note and write it down. For track your fitness but the number of calories example, ‘I want to lose 10 pounds in 6 weeks.’ burned and log your meals. Take that post it note and place it in several locations throughout your house. This will act as a Leave The Excuses at The Door: Get your workout reminder to keep you motivated and making good times on your calendar and block that time in your choices. day. For many working out in the morning is best be