On The Tipping Point MAL61/2024 | Page 11

factors - are particularly relevant . Weak governance structures , corruption , lack of transparency , and social inequities have plagued the nation for years . The demonstrations , triggered by economic grievances , have laid bare these systemic issues , highlighting a growing frustration among the populace , particularly the youth , who are disproportionately affected by unemployment , poverty , and a lack of opportunities .
Kenya ' s Gen Z , born into an era of sluggish economic growth , social and economic inequities and poor governance has inherited a harsh reality of limited opportunities , unemployment , and a declining standard of living . This generation , raised on the promise of a digital and interconnected world , finds itself stifled by the weight of economic stagnation .
Yet , from this frustration , a new dawn has risen . The recent demonstrations , orchestrated by a united front that transcended tribal , class , and religious lines , signaled a generational shift . Unlike past protests marred by violence , Gen Z protesters exhibited remarkable maturity and peaceful resolve , their message clear and unwavering . The torch has been passed , not to an individual , party , or tribe , but to a new generation of Kenyans demanding a future that matches their aspirations .
A Nation on Edge : The Ipsos Survey
An Ipsos survey conducted earlier in the year revealed a nation teetering on the brink . Kenyans expressed deep dissatisfaction with the government ' s performance on key social and governance issues , with a majority citing corruption , unemployment , and the high cost of living as major concerns . These findings not only underscore the urgency of addressing the underlying causes of the unrest but also highlight a perceived failure of the opposition to provide viable alternatives and solutions .
The social and economic issues facing the country have become so dire that they have pushed people to the edge , seeking any avenue for their voices to be heard . The demonstrations , while triggered by economic grievances , have evolved into a broader indictment of the political landscape , where both the ruling party and the opposition seem to have failed to adequately address the needs and aspirations of the people . The lack of trust in traditional political channels has led to a groundswell of grassroots activism , fueled by social media and a growing sense of disillusionment with the status quo .
On the governance front , over 83 % of respondents demanded transparency , accountability , and ethical practices from businesses . While there was less agreement on the specifics of ESG accountability , this finding indicates a growing awareness of the importance of ethical business practices and a desire for greater transparency .
This situation presents a unique opportunity for a renewed commitment to ESG principles , where the " S " - the social aspect - takes center stage . Addressing social inequities , creating economic opportunities , and fostering a sense of inclusivity are not just moral imperatives , they are essential for the long-term stability and prosperity of the nation . The government , the opposition , and civil society must work together to forge a new social contract that prioritizes the well-being of all Kenyans , not just the privileged few .
The Path Forward : A Holistic Approach
The way forward lies in embracing a holistic approach to ESG that goes beyond mere compliance and reporting . It involves embedding ESG principles into the very fabric of society and the economy . This requires strong political will , robust institutions , transparent and accountable governance , and a commitment to social justice and equity . Crucially , it necessitates a genuine dialogue between the government , the private sector , and civil society , particularly the youth , who represent the future of the nation .
The Ipsos survey , taken in the context of the recent demonstrations , paints a picture of a nation on the cusp of change . The social and economic issues facing the country have reached a boiling point , and the people are demanding action . The survey results not only highlight the challenges but also reveal the potential for a transformative shift towards a more sustainable and equitable future .
The limited awareness of ESG presents an opportunity for education and engagement , while the widespread concern for climate change and social justice provides a powerful mandate for action . The government , the opposition , and the private sector must heed this call and work together to create a Kenya where ESG principles are not just buzzwords but the foundation for a thriving and just society .
The Shadows of Gotham : A Cautionary Tale
The situation in Kenya , while dire , is not irredeemable . However , the specter of Gotham serves as a stark reminder of the consequences of unchecked corruption , inequality , and environmental degradation . The path towards a more sustainable and equitable future will not be easy , but it is imperative for the wellbeing of the nation and its people . As we grapple with these challenges , perhaps we can draw some inspiration , albeit twisted , from Ra ' s al Ghul ' s unwavering commitment to his cause , even as we vehemently reject his destructive methods .
Withdrawal of the finance bill will not end the anger . Economic , social and governance transformation takes time . Jobs are created mostly by the private sector . What incentives are there for this sector , which feels overtaxed ? How attractive is the country to investors , both local and foreign ?
What measure are being taken to show that governance and social injustices are being addressed . Until we have these in check , the specter of unrest will continue to haunt Kenya , casting a shadow over its potential for prosperity and progress . Just as Gotham ' s citizens longed for a hero to rescue them from their plight , so too do the people of Kenya yearn for leaders who will champion their cause , not perpetuate the cycle of corruption and inequality . The path towards a more just and equitable society will be arduous , but the stakes are too high to ignore . The time for meaningful change is now , lest we risk becoming the next cautionary tale in the annals of history .
Oh ! PS : As I pen this article , Nigeria has just called for “ 10 Days of Rage ” - dubbing these planned demonstrations “ end bad government in Nigeria ,” inspired by Kenya ' s youth . As Lex Luthor chillingly remarked in " Batman vs Superman ," " The bell cannot be unrung ." Perhaps my next piece ( if Kalombo permits ) will delve into the echoes of this sentiment across Africa .
Soyinka Witness spearheads the ESG practice for Ipsos Kenya and leads the Ipsos Strategy3 team across Sub-Saharan Africa , guiding and mentoring colleagues towards impactful work . You can commune via email at : Soyinka . Witness @ ipsos . com