On The Tipping Point MAL61/2024 | Page 10


Kenya ' s ESG Awakening : A Nation Demands Accountability Transparency , And Social Justice

By Soyinka Witness
I start this piece by first extending my sincere condolences to the families and friends that have lost loved ones in the recent demonstrations in Kenya . May this piece honor their memory and ignite change in my country , Kenya .
In my last piece , I referenced Gotham City and Ra ' s al Ghul , exploring the twisted interconnectedness between them and ESG principles . The piece sparked divergent views on whether Ra ' s al Ghul , in his own warped ways , was a proponent of certain ESG fundamentals . Recent events in Kenya have reignited this discussion . The movement ignited by the Gen Z generation can be seen as a direct reaction to deep-seated governance and social gaps and inequities in Kenya . What began as a demonstration against the hiked taxes in the Finance Bill 2024 has evolved into a broader conversation about governance issues that have simmered for far too long , finally boiling over in the wake of the Bill ' s introduction .
To recap , Ra ' s al Ghul , the “ terrorist ” in the Batman universe , viewed Gotham as a decadent city rife with corruption , inequality , and environmental degradation . He believed that the only way to restore balance was through drastic measures - the complete annihilation of the city and a forced return to a more " natural " state . While his methods were undoubtedly extreme and morally reprehensible , his diagnosis of Gotham ' s ills echoed concerns raised by ESG advocates in the real world .
The Young Turks ' Uprising : Echoes of Gotham ' s Discontent
Just as Ra ’ s al Ghul bore the brunt of Gotham ’ s societal decay , so too have the young people of Kenya found themselves disproportionately affected by their nation ' s challenges . The recent

Addressing social inequities , creating economic opportunities , and fostering a sense of inclusivity are not just moral imperatives , they are essential for the long-term stability and prosperity of the nation . The government , the opposition , and civil society must work together to forge a new social contract that prioritizes the well-being of all Kenyans , not just the privileged few .

demonstrations , spearheaded by a techsavvy and politically aware generation , represent a cry for change echoing the discontent that simmered beneath Gotham ' s surface . These " young turks ," frustrated by limited opportunities , systemic corruption , and a perceived lack of responsiveness from traditional political leaders , are demanding accountability , transparency , and a fairer distribution of resources . Their activism , while fueled by local grievances , is part of a global movement of young people rising up to demand a more sustainable and equitable future .
It ' s worth noting that Kenya ' s situation is neither unique nor the first of its kind . The term " Young Turks " itself originated over a century ago during the Young Turk Revolution in the Ottoman Empire ( 1908 ). This movement , led by a coalition of reform groups , sought to overthrow the authoritarian regime of Sultan Abdülhamid II and establish a constitutional government . While their efforts ultimately led to the dissolution of the Ottoman state , their uprising serves as a historical precedent for the power of youthful activism in challenging entrenched power structures . In this sense , Kenya ' s young activists are part of a long and storied tradition of youthled movements seeking to reshape their societies . Their struggle , like those that came before , is a testament to the enduring power of hope and the unwavering spirit of those who dare to dream of a better future .
ESG : A Lens for Understanding Kenya ' s Unrest
In the Kenyan context , the " G " and " S " pillars of ESG - governance and social
08 MAL61 / 24 ISSUE