On the Pegs - July 2021 On the Pegs - Volume 6 Issue 7 | Page 67

Traveling in airports where you have all the junk food you can buy sometimes makes it hard to pass up ! But if you ’ re stuck needing to buy a snack , it may be expensive but beef jerky has TONS of protein and can keep you from craving that bag of chips you ’ ve been eying up .
Lets not forget about lunch !
Let ’ s start with some breakfast ideas .
We love oatmeal . You can add tons of fruit , trail mix or even nut butter to increase calorie density . Hard boiled eggs are protein packed and you can easily add them to whole wheat toast or tortilla with deli meat to give you longer lasting energy . Avocados are really convenient to store and eat . Add this to whole wheat toast - and - if you ’ re feeling zesty you can even drizzle lemon on top .
Its easy to make this your smallest meal , but it will help get you through the mid day slump . Deli meat is so easy and will offer your body more energy than you think ! Add spinach , tomato , cucumber , pickles , and your favorite condiments to your sandwiches to make it more filling and tasty . You can get creative with sandwiches if you ' re willing to
Snacking is important throughout the day to keep you fueled . Power bars are easy , especially on the go when you have limited time or space . Stick to power bars that are lower in sugar or have no sugar alcohols and are sweetened with Stevia . RX Bars , Laura Bars , and Power Crunch Bars are a few of our favorites . Some whole food snack options we love are peanut butter and banana whole wheat wraps or sandwiches . You can even add honey for sweetness !
VOL . 6 ISSUE 7 - JULY 2021 // PAGE 67