From the
Ground UP
Herbs for life & health
by Pamela Paris
Oliver Wendell Holmes once said, “Talking is like playing on the harp; there is as much in laying the hands on the strings to stop their vibration as in twanging them to bring out their music.” Knowing when to speak and when not to speak is an important part of quality communication. The fifth chakra, the throat chakra, is the one that is associated with how well we communicate and express ourselves. It governs the organs within the throat area, the trachea, thyroid, neck vertebrae as well as the mouth including our teeth and gums.
This chakra can get closed down when we are living our lives to please others and not speaking up for ourselves to let people know what we need and how we are feeling. We are afraid of allowing ourselves to have healthy, open, and honest communications with our loved ones or people we must interact with on a regular basis. When the chakra is closed we leave ourselves vulnerable to various conditions like laryngitis, bronchitis, or tonsillitis. We may develop unexplained hoarseness, mouth ulcers, inflamed gums, or swollen glands. It can also be expressed as chronic neck pain or TMJ (temporomandibular joint) pain.
There are things you can do to open up a closed throat chakra. A very important step is to practice speaking up for yourself letting people know what you think and how you feel. Another is to sing or chant. I love to sing in the shower or when I am alone in my car. A third practice is to smile at strangers and give them a heartfelt hello or good morning. You can even buy a blue scarf and wrap it around your neck. Blue is the color of this chakra and you will be reinforcing the energy with the blue scarf as well as actually keeping your neck and throat warm.
An herb that would support this chakra is red clover (Trifolium pretense). Trifolium refers to the leaf having three leaflets and pratense in latin means of a meadow. This beautiful meadow flower has been used medicinally for hundreds of years. It has been used to ease the cough associated with whooping cough, bronchitis, laryngitis, and asthma and helps to speed recovery. This may be due to its antispasmodic and antibacterial actions. It is also referred to as a blood cleanser. It acts on the lymphatic system to help clear out debris and so it would be beneficial for swollen lymph nodes in the neck. As a wound healer, it could be used as a mouth rinse to help heal canker sores and bleeding gums.
Red clover makes a lovely tea. It has a sweet and salty taste. The saltiness is an indication that this plant is mineral rich. Some of the minerals found in red clover include potassium, calcium, phosphorus, magnesium, and iron. Drinking a hot tea of red clover helps to sooth a cough because of the temperature and the swallowing action.
This is a gentle herb that can be used long term
and is safe for children and the elderly.
Pamela Paris is a clinical herbalist and nutritionist practicing in Harford County, Maryland. She can be reached at Paris Holistic Health, 443-243-4728, [email protected].