On The Path - November 2013 | Page 27

Each of the seven chambers of the Throat Chakra corresponds with one the seven chakras that run up the center of the body. The 3 chambers on the left side correspond with the 2nd, 4th, and 6th chakras and are more receptive energy, more yin. These are more involved with breaking down and assimilating information. These three chakras happen to contain more layers that spin counterclockwise (which breaks down, catabolic) than clockwise (which stabilizes, anabolic). The 3 chambers on the right side correspond with the 1st, 3rd, and 5th chakras. These are a more active energy, more yang – and are more involved with creating new information out of information that has already been assimilated. These three chakras contain more layers that spin clockwise (anabolic) than counterclockwise.

When we are enjoying harmony among all our chakras, the energy of the 7th chakra comes through the central chamber. When this harmony does not exist, however, because new information needs to be synthesized, or because of stress or other factors, the energy of the throat chakra comes through the central chamber. It does this to give a boost to the metabolizing and harmonizing of all the chakra energies it is managing. When the throat chakra energy comes through the central chamber, the energy of the 7th chakra will move through the far right chamber causing an imbalance in your body’s energy system.

This imbalance can be addressed very effectively with a simple technique employed by energy medicine practitioners. With the palm of your hand facing the skin, you can use your fingers to trace out the path of figure-8’s of all sizes in the Throat Chakra area. This gentle action will help move and blend the energies of the seven chambers together and bring the function of this vital chakra back into balance and ultimate harmony.

Your Healing Journey


Enhancing women's health & wellness -- one lady at a time!!

"My life purpose is to help women shed their anchors so that they can live a happy, fulfilling life --- in total health & wellness! Every part of me believes that we can improve our overall wellbeing through a holistic healing approach in addressing our life problems ---- starting with what's inside of ourselves."


Genevieve DiGiovanni

Certified Energy Medicine Practitioner &

Wellness Instructor