On the Coast – Over 55 Issue 30 I July/August 2019 | Page 23

beetroot and beetroot juice can reduce blood pressure. Another study found that one glass of beetroot juice per day can lower blood pressure in people with high blood pressure. Include more omega-3 fatty acids The evidence of the effects of omega-3 fats from fish oils on blood pressure is also generally consistent with at least five meta-analyses finding statistically significant reductions in blood pressure. One of these studies which included over 1,524 participants found a statistically significant reduction in blood pressure when taking a fish oil supplement in those who had pre-existing high blood pressure. Good sources of omega-3 fats include fish and seafood, especially oily such as salmon, trout and sardines and nuts and seeds such as flaxseeds, chia seeds and walnuts Move your body Regular physical activity is regularly recommended to lower blood pressure and improve heart health. Regular 6 7 physical activity makes your heart, a muscle, stronger, meaning it can pump more blood with less effort. If your heart can work less to pump blood around the body, the force on your arteries decreases, lowering your blood pressure. Adults with hypertension should perform a combination of aerobic and resistance exercise regularly. Aerobic exercise includes activities such as walking, jogging, cycling and swimming. It is universally recommended as initial lifestyle therapy for people with high blood pressure because it is known to lower blood pressure by 5-7 mmHg. 2 Moderate-intensity aerobic exercise should be performed for 30 minutes or References 1. www.heartfoundation.org.au/your-heart/know-your-risks/blood-pressure 2. www.heartfoundation.org.au/images/uploads/main/HeartWeek_fact_sheet_for_professionals.pdf 3. www.baker.edu.au/health-hub/fact-sheets/cardiovascular-disease 4. https://nutrition.bmj.com/content/early/2018/09/19/bmjnph-2018-000004 5. www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC4589552/ Nicole is a passionate sports nutritionist and Accredited Practising Dietitian who established her practice Eatsense in 2013 as she has a burning desire to help people, see them happy and watch them thrive. Her vision is to help as many people learn to prioritise themselves, feel their best, enjoy delicious and nourishing food and live a healthy, happy and fulfilling life through her one on one consultations and seminars. Contact Nicole at her West Gosford Clinic on 4323 9100. Fight the symptoms of TARTED... S HOW TO GET Parkinson’s Disease IZ have a better life, in HE QU you PD Warrior is TA about KE T helping help spite of and because of your Parkinson’s. z will Doing the qui in w tify ho you iden rofessionals PD Warrior helps you to you use the brain’s ur ls ve to approach yo ogressive le natural ability ne ed to protect itself and are e er w m. Th e create ng program hab progra This re pathways. s to n’ more efficient helps you so in to rk types of Pa nals are able three so e fin re move more freely you can continue the s. lp ie he nsed Facilit that we use to . m ra activities you enjoy doing and get control back! g ur pro cy within o your therapy its su ne o e which early strategy out intervention t out of th PD Warrior is an Find t. es for people who yo have recently been b u diagnosed with Parkinson’s ILITY disease. FIND A FAC commend We strongly re with an that you work et the most instructor to g gram. In out of the pro u may even some cases, yo ling to the consider travel to complete closest facility . uctory sessions your introd Private Call Brisbane Waters Get control of your Parkinson’s and find out more today. hospital, your local PD Warrior licensed facility, on TH 4343 WEEK E 10 0275 DO for your assessment. HALLENGE C more per day, whether it be continuous or accumulated throughout the day. 5 Aerobic exercise is recommended to be done most (if not all) days of the week. Resistance exercise may include machine weights, free weights and resistance bands, as well as functional body weight exercises. Moderate- intensity dynamic resistance exercise is recommended 2-3 days per week to total 150 minutes or more of exercise each week to effectively reduce blood pressure. 5 This form of exercise is recommended to consist of 2-3 sets of 10-12 repetitions for 8-10 exercises that target the major muscle groups of the upper and lower body. 5 It should equate to approximately 150 minutes or more each week. 5 nature This is our sig a great way d program an t results form to get the bes weeks gives PD Warrior. 10 R DIFF ARRIO HOW IS PD W that is bette hab program re a is r rio ar PD W . You need rmal exercise no an th s n’ Parkinso ur Parkinson lp you slow yo he to h ac ro p ap t type of Pa anding of wha st er d un an from blems w are having pro u yo es iti tiv what ac you use the b Warrior helps goals are. PD ore efficient f and create m el its ct te ro p to you ca more freely so ve o m to u yo helps d get contro enjoy doing an activities you anged s significantly ch “PD Warrior ha I am d an r for the bette my mum’s life m ra og pr e th tive that really apprecia rd lla exists” Laura Po PD Warrior e th “After doing nge I can now 10 Week Challe back!” say that – I am l al Peter Marsh Brisbane Waters Private Hospital 21 Vidler Avenue Woy Woy NSW, 2256 Phone: 02 4341 9522 Email: [email protected] Web: brisbanewatersprivate.com.au JULY/AUGUST – ISSUE 30 23