On the Coast – Over 55 Issue 29 I May/June 2019 | Page 16

Orange the new Short Black Words by Dorian Mode. Photos by Lydia Thorpe Orange is a cool autumn getaway for seniors on the coast Y ou know you’re old when you cancel your restaurant/ movie booking to stay home to watch the 30th Anniversary of Gardening Australia. But we love gardens. And for that reason, we love Orange. Orange is a NSW country town with pretty gardens, rolling maple-lined streets, four distinct seasons, vineyards and a flourishing cultural scene. It’s here you’ll find both crisp country air and a killer short black. Yet it’s only a few hours from the coast 1 . It is supposed that Sir Thomas Mitchell named the parish for The Prince of Orange in the Peninsular War when both were aides-de-camp to the Duke of Wellington, whose title is bestowed on the neighbouring town. Our digs for this bucolic sojourn is aptly named Serenity Studio. This boutique accommodation offers a modern self-contained cottage on a lazy five acres and is just a short drive to Orange’s CBD. Senior readers will adore the prize- 1 Those with a pension card can use the regular Countrylink service to Orange for $2.50. 16 S E N I O R S O N T H E C OAS T worthy garden, which shrouds the cottage in a potpourri of sun-touched reds, oranges and yellows. We loved our cuppa on the terrace, watching the bees hop from flower to flower in pockets of sunlight, punctuated by the distant bleating of a sheep. With Serenity five- mins out of town, you really bathe in that luxurious country silence. A tonic. This is, after all, why you visit the country. The cottage at Serenity is finished to a very high spec, even the carpet is luxurious underfoot. (Having written travel for over 20 years you notice these little touches.) So Serenity is highly