On the Coast – Families Issue 105 I April/May 2020 | Page 15
A Prayer for Calm in Uncertain Times.
I find prayer, in particular, a far
quicker and easier way for me to reach a
meditative state (particularly if my mind
is prone to stress or worry). It is easier
than trying to empty your mind and
focus on the breath!
Prayer helps to find words that create
intention and focus designed to express
your feelings, and find a soothing antidote
thought to the feelings. Saying the words
out loud too is extra helpful but not
required. It makes it similar to the power
of chanting, in that healing words can
resonate in the body and bring soothing.
Deepak Chopra says that with prayer,
or healing mantras, chanting or even
spiritual song, we can bring silence
to our biology or in other words, flick
the switch from sympathetic nervous
system (our stress response) back into
parasympathetic nervous system (our
rest and repair response). This is the kind
of healing, self-regulation and return to
healthy homeostasis we need.
Finally, prayer is something we don’t
need to do alone, we can share it as a
practice with others, and in fact, when we
do it, we don’t feel alone. Prayer creates
connection. That feeling of connection
might be just the most important essential
antidote to these times. Through prayer
we can engage our connection with and
to others. It is actually something we CAN
do for our loved ones, the community and
the world. You may never know for sure
an ‘outcome’ of a prayer, but you are
achieving something beyond a result, by
simply relinquishing the power of the “I”
and the “ME” as the most important
priority and returning your focus to a
sense of shared community, a “WE”.
Prayer connects us heart, mind and spirit
Today I am feeling the swirl of fear and uncertainty. I feel anxious and helpless.
I pray to life and love and ask for Divine help to soothe these feelings.
I know I am not alone in feeling this way.
I pray for all those who feel this with me, for their soothing too.
Even though these feelings are real and I honour them,
help me to remember I am more than these feelings.
If anything, these feelings are simply here to remind me to remember
what I can be sure about; what I can find safety in;
what I can trust and what I can do to make a difference.
Spirit, help me to focus now on all I have to be grateful for and can trust in –
I give thanks for the sun and moon; air, water and earth; day and night
I give thanks for the love of my family, the life in my body;
the desires still alive in my soul, the memories still strong in my heart.
Spirit, help me to remember I am not alone.
Help me to trust in the safety of community.
Help me to recognise the care I feel for others is universal
and I can trust in others to care for me too.
Right now Spirit, soothe my body, heart, mind and soul.
Send a light beam of love into my heart...
...help me to imagine the light pulsing through my heart and my entire body,
sending healing...
...as I now send an energetic beam of light radiance out into the world...
...connecting me with the spirit of humanity...
...sending the world love and blessings.
Spirit of light, of love, hold US all strong and steady.
Steady us into hope and renewal; into restoration and repair.
Thank you, thank you, thank you.
Please let it be done.
to a greater collective entity and
intelligence. In times like now, that may
be our true saving, returning to the power
of community and collaboration as our
pathway back to strength.
I wouldn’t mind that being our ‘new
Here’s one to get you started. Light a
candle. Find a peaceful and beautiful
place to sit. Invite others to join you in
person, virtually or even spiritually.
Turn your phone off. Centre your
breath and focus into your heart.
Now let us pray:
Sarah Tolmie assists people to celebrate, navigate, grow and heal through all their life & love transitions.
Her practice focuses on love & relationships, families & children; life success & fulfilment, illness, death &
grief. As an Holistic Celebrant Sarah creates profound and meaningful ceremonies for all life & love
events. Sarah is also a Marriage Therapist, Bespoke Funeral Director and End-of-Life Consultant. You
can visit her website www.sarahtolmie.com.au and Facebook page at Sarah Tolmie – Life & Love.
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