on the button issue 7 | Page 3
Cemetery Report
Arlesey Town Council agreed at a meeting in February that the solution to
‘de-water’ the Cemetery would be pursued over other options. Councillors
Holloway and Caffrey had ‘project managed’ the consultation in to the work
involved. A copy of the report can be viewed on the Town Council website.
This de-watering option means the land will be drained of excess water by
means of trenches laid with special porous pipe work to take away excess
water. The cost of this work overall would be in the region of £100,000.
It was suggested at the ‘extraordinary meeting’ about the cemetery
that formal notification of the closure would be sent to residents with plots
reserved. It is unclear whether this has been done.
March 2013
ver the last few weeks I have had a great response to my requests
for images than ever before. Its been fantastic seeing images from
Arlesey’s 1995 FA Vase victory, also some programmes and photos of
The London Chest Players who were an amateur drama group at Fairfield
Hospital and a comprehensive record of the Arlesey flyover from concept
to rebuild.
I am indebted to the people who have loaned me their pictures to
reproduce and will set about putting them in print for you all to see. As I write
this piece I have just received some images from the formation of the Boys
Brigade in 1957 which again I want to publish.
Steve Maddox – editor
Published by:
Dog Mess! Be responsible
Arlesey has a growing problem with dog owners not picking up their dog poo.
One resident has contacted us and says: “I walk my daughter to school most
days and am shocked at the increased amount of dog poo being left on the
paths. I myself am a responsible dog owner so find it very frustrating that
other dog owners think it’s acceptable to leave their dog mess on the paths
for people to step in”.
The Town Council offices have supplies of free dog bags. Please be
responsible and pick up after your dog.
Expansion & Development
The ‘Voice of Arlesey’ has questions and wants to know:
Why do so many people say this development is ‘definitely’ going
to happen?
Why do our local representatives seem so keen on pushing this through?
Why does Arlesey need 1000+ houses to deal with the problems on the
high street?
f the development goes ahead, how we can we ensure that the whole of
Arlesey benefits?
If you have opinions about this development and want to ensure your voice
is heard then please take the time to complete our short questionnaire which
is being distributed with this month’s edition of ‘on the button’. You can also
complete this survey online at:
The ‘Voice of Arlesey’ intends to focus solely on
the future of this development as we are concerned
how it will impact on our way of life. The survey aims
to find out the views of Arlesey residents and will be
open until Sunday 24th March. In the meantime if
you want to find out more the please contact us at:
[email protected]
on the button, 32 Stotfold Road, Arlesey, Bedfordshire. SG15 6XT
When responding to an advert please let advertisers know that you contacted
them through ‘on the button’.
Please send any letters or articles, to ‘on the button’ email: info@
onthebuttonarlesey.co.uk, or write to us at the address above, before 18th of the
month for inclusion in the next month’s magazine.
Please call for advertising rates on 01462 834265 or visit the website:
www.onthebuttonarlesey.co.uk and click on advertising rates. All copy and
payment to be received before 18th of the month for inclusion in the next
month’s magazine.
While every effort is made to ensure the accuracy of this publication on the button
cannot accept liability for any statement or error contained herein. All details supplied to
on the button are correct at time of going to press. ©2013
Printed by Woodbury Printing Services Limited
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