on the button issue 16 | Page 3

St Peters Church – December Christmas Tree Festival D Saturday 14th December: 12noon – 5.00pm Evening Concert 7.00pm, tickets £12 (includes hot supper) Sunday 15th December: 11.30am – 5.00pm Adult admission £2.50: accompanied children under 15 free. Bring your flyer to enter your lucky number in the cash prize draw. Sunday 15th December We welcome Bishop Richard of Bedford to our 9.30am for Holy Communion Service. Monday 16th December Astwick Village Carol Service at St Guthlac’s 7.30pm Wednesday 18th December Candlelit Carol Service at St Peter’s 7.00pm Christmas Eve Children’s Nativity Service 4.00pm. Come & dress as a King, Shepherd, Angel... Midnight Holy Communion Service at 11.30pm Christmas Day Holy Communion Service at 10.00am Sunday 29th December Joint Service at Arlesey Methodist Church 11.00am ....and don’t forget our regular Coffee Mornings at St Peter’s Church: Coffee, Tea, Home-made cake and company every Tuesday from 10.00 until 11.30am.... Arlesey Methodist Church Sunday 1st December 10.30am Service conducted by Mr David White from Hitchin Sunday 8th December 11.00am Service conducted by Rev. Bob Forrest Sunday 15th December 10.30am Service conducted by Mrs Shirley Hassall of Norton Sunday 22nd December 11.00am Service of Holy Communion conducted by Rev. Bob Forrest Sunday 29th December 10.30am United service with Baldock, Stotfold and Arlesey Methodist churches plus St. Peter’s conducted by Rev. Bob Forrest All are welcome at these services. On Christmas Day, at 10.30am there will be a united service between Stotfold, Baldock and Arlesey Methodist churches at Stotfold Methodist church. The Brownies meet at the church on Thursdays at 6.00pm. Minister at the church is Rev Bob Forrest. Tel: 01582 727880 Local contacts: • Mrs Doreen Archer 731392  • Mrs Betty Joyce 731647 • Mr Jim Webb (bookings) 731309 Walk4Health from the editor ecember is here and the festive season upon us. Last year I went round the town taking photos of Christmas decorations, and was amazed at the extent and variety of lights on trees and houses displayed. On the button also had a ‘tree’ in the church Tree Festival, something we’ll be doing again this year. Be aware there have been quite a few burglaries in the last couple of months, with sightings of dodgy looking characters eyeing up property too, so make sure your property is secure. We would also like to take this opportunity to thank all our volunteers for giving their time and energy to help deliver this magazine to you. We couldn’t do it without them. If you can help deliver to roads in the south of Arlesey please get in touch we would love to hear from you. Happy Christmas, Steve Maddox Published by: on the button, 32 Stotfold Road, Arlesey, Bedfordshire. SG15 6XT When responding to an advert please let advertisers know that you contacted them through ‘on the button’. Editorial Please send any letters or articles, to ‘on the button’ email: info@onthebuttonarlesey.co.uk, or write to us at the address above, before 18th of the month for inclusion in the next month’s magazine. Advertising Please call for advertising rates on 01462 834265 or visit the website: www.onthebuttonarlesey.co.uk and click on advertising rates. All copy and payment to be received before 18th of the month for inclusion in the next month’s magazine. While every effort is made to ensure the accuracy of this publication on the button cannot accept liability for any statement or