‘Needle and Thread’
Alterations and repairs
Join a warm and friendly group near you today...
Ickleford Primary School,
Mondays @ 7.30pm
Arlesey Village Hall,
Wednesdays @ 10.00am
Jane Lambert
32 Chase Close, Arlesey
01462 637221/07773405525
Tel: Jane 07762 036243
* whenyou buy a a 12-week
when you buy 12-week
Countdown course 1-26
Countdown course 1-26
January 2014
January 2013
useful numbers
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1st Arlesey Scout Group
Contact Group Scout Leader Stuart McGuire on: 07762 732661
Acre Wood Day Nursery
For more information please contact Peter Cremin 01462 835550 or visit
Aisle O’var Backswording Clubbe Ltd
14/11/12 22:49:50
Arlesey Town Youth Football Club
For more information Contact Steve Hazelwood 01462 732147 or 07867 860872
Email: hazelwood1972@virginmedia.com visit club website: www.atyfc2010.co.uk
Arlesey Village Agent
Barbara Moran. tel: 07548 122023 email: barbaramoranvillageagent@gmail.com
Arlesey Women’s Institute
For further information or to book your place contact Pete on 07880 605377,
email: info@backswording.co.uk or go to: www.backswording.co.uk
High Street, Arlesey. Postal address: 21 Stotfold Road, Arlesey, SG15 6XL.
Contact: 01462 638286
Edgeworth House, 121 High Street, Arlesey, Beds, SG15 6SX.
Tel: 01462 622222 Fax: 01462 622111
Arlesey Karate Club (Jksk)
e: customers@centralbedfordshire.gov.uk
Councillor for Arlesey Ward – Ian Dalgarno: 01462 735510
Councillor for Arlesey Ward – Mrs Rita Drinkwater: 01462 850187
Arlesey Community Safety Group
If you would like further information please contact the school on 01462 730391
Email office@etonbury.cbeds.co.uk or visit www.etonbury.com
ACORN – Arlesey Conservation for Nature
High Street, Arlesey, SG15 6SL. Contact: 01462 732002
Arlesey Girlguides
Area Co-ordinator: John Button. 34, Church Lane, Arlesey,
Bedfordshire. SG15 6UL. Contact: 01462 732419
Arlesey Arts
For more information please contact Sensei Tan 01462 730551 email
info@jsk.co.uk or visit www.jksk.co.uk
Contact Hugh Harper on: 01462 731891
Contact Christina Harris on: 01462 734076
Rainbows (5 – 7 years) Sue 01462 643231 or 07890 148478
Brownies (7 – 10 years) Julia 01462 451053
Guides (10 – 14 years) Helen 01462 733248
Senior Section - Rangers & Young Leaders (14 – 26 years)