on the button issue 11 | Page 4

Arlesey Town Youth Drugs in Arlesey and Stotfold Arlesey Town Youth U11’s won the Sporting Award (fair play league) for their age group across all the Royston Crow U11 Leagues.The award is based on points awarded by opposition teams on a matchday in relation to the sporting behaviour of the team during the game. Well done to all the boys and the supporters, a thoroughly deserved award and proof that Football can be played in the right spirit. This is the second year that the club has won an award in this category. Arlesey Town Youth are still looking to add players to their squads in a couple age group for next season. If you like to play for the club at U11’s please contact Alan Slingsby 07827 917352 and Bryan Smith for the U13’s on 07824 815627. Arlesey Town Football Club require to manage the money matters of the club if you are interested please contact: The Chairman. Manny Cohen telephone: 07850 395771 email: manny@rmonline.com ATFC_011.indd 1 4 | Drugs in the area is an important issue, not because of illegal drug abuse (though there may be some), but because of the amount of medical drugs wastage both in our towns and nationally. Larksfield practice has been talking to the Patient Participation Group (PPG) about this issue. Our GPs want their patients to be as well as possible and this often means prescribing a variety of drugs, particularly for those with long term conditions. It is therefore important to order the correct items especially on repeat prescriptions. If you inadvertently order medication that you do not need, please give it back when you are collecting your medication and before you leave the pharmacy. Unopened medicines that have left the premises cannot be reused. As well as patients getting items on repeat prescriptions when they do not need them, medicines wastage is also caused by people not taking their drugs as they should. There are two elements to these problems, firstly the massive cost to the NHS and us as taxpayers of wasted medicines. Also importantly, just as worrying are the health implications for Larksfield patients when they are not taking medications as prescribed. This is of great concern to our GPs as it leads to a large number of emergency admissions. In Stotfold in one month last year there were an excessive number of drug returns to the surgery. From one patient alone the surgery had medicines to the value of over £3000 returned. This included 30 inhalers at £38 each and a further 25 different inhalers at £6.92 each. Wasted medicines cost the NHS £300m each year. New research from the Pharmaceutical Society reveals a need for patients to understand their medicines better to improve their health and reduce medicines waste. Studies show that 30% to 50% of people don’t take their medicines as recommended and over 70% of admissions to hospital for adverse drug reactions are avoidable. By reducing the amount of medicines being wasted each year, we could increase the available funding for other desperately needed health services. Delegates at the Royal College of Nursing at a recent conference in Liverpool said it was heart breaking to see piles and piles of medicines going to waste. They described cases where cupboards full of out of date medicines had been found in patients homes. Black bin liners full of un-opened boxes have been found while medicines are also thrown down the toilet or put in the bin. If you have any questions regarding the medicines that are prescribed for you, do ask your GP, he or she will be very happy to explain the purpose and dose frequency to you. Your GP wants you to gain full benefit. But, if you do have some unwanted medicines they can be taken back to any chemist or dispensing practice such as Larksfield for safe disposal. Larksfield Surgery Patient Participation Group 18/6/13 20:10:08 July 2013 | to advertise telephone: 01462 834265 or go to the website: www.onthebuttonarlesey.co.uk Curtains_011.indd 1 29/5/13 22:56:50