Quick Chat With Kevin McCarron, Director of Atrion’s Business Innovation Group
What made you want to join
the Atrion family?
It might sound cliché, but what I like most
about working Atrion is the people. Specifically, there are a lot of people who have a
very broad depth of technical knowledge
and a lot of people with a broad depth of
business knowledge. You are almost certain
to rub shoulders with someone who has a
different skill set than you do, and for that
reason you tend to pick up knowledge faster
here than you would at other companies.
We also have a great culture here, starting
all the way at the top with Tim. And we’ve
been growing every year for the 12 years
I’ve been here. Without growth, opportunity
is limited or non-existent.
Describe your role at Atrion. What
does a typical day look like?
My role is really all about looking at gaps in
services that we provide to clients, examining our clients’ needs and creating services
around those pain points. And that means
my days are quite varied. One day I might be
looking at research to identify where Atrion
can go next to create value for our clients.
The next day I might be knee-deep in
configuration and technology. Another day
I can be out talking directly with clients. The
variety is one of the best parts of the job.
What are some of the key trends you
are seeing in IT right now?
There’s always the question of, how does IT
fit in an organization? Is it a utility or a
transformative part of the business? Hopefully more people are seeing that if it’s used
only as a utility, it’s being underutilized.
And you can’t talk about trends without talking about the cloud. In my opinion it’s still
misunderstood. There are still a lot of questions about what the cloud or hybrid means,
and what the clear business benefits are.
There is some thought out there that everything is moving to the cloud at once