Help, I’m going be a missionary …
I mean, I’m really going to be a missionary!
Receiving the missions “call” is step 1 to becoming a missionary. Before ministry
on a field can begin, the ministry of spiritual preparation must occur. Once you settle
into God’s call on your life to serve as a missionary, excitement becomes reality.
Thoughts that run through your mind range from
eagerness to sheer terror. Eventually, your emotions
level out, and then you’re ready for step 2, searching
for a mission organization that’s a good fit with
what you believe, where you want to serve, and what
you plan to do.
Once you land with OMS, but before you board
the plane for your field of service, you will
connect with the OMS Mobilization team.
Your mobilizer walks alongside you, guiding
you through every step of the process. This is
their call as support missionaries, to help get
you to your ministry destination. With great
care, your mobilizer follows up on the details
of your application, including calling and talk-
ing with your references and your pastor.
Testing and assessment
During this part of this process, you will take a person-
ality test and complete an occupational and behav-
ioral assessment to help determine the best fit for you.
After these assessments are completed, you move to the interview process. If every-
thing runs smoothly, this leads to your acceptance as a full-time OMS missionary!