Steps to Becoming a Missionary
By Danny Beasley , Director of Mobilization
Psalm 27:14 says “ Wait for the Lord ; be strong , and let your heart take courage ; wait for the Lord !” The excitement and enthusiasm to serve the Lord is tempered by waiting , but the waiting is not without purpose . In the waiting , the Lord is preparing . The process takes time . You will learn a lot about yourself as you wait , which will help you launch into your exciting new ministry .
Now , you ’ re ready to go … almost . If your new ministry includes working outside your first language , the next step is learning the language of the people the Lord is sending you to . The language learning can take place in your country of service or by attending a quality language school in another location .
For opportunities to serve , visit our website .
CROSS Training
As you approach your support goal , you will be invited to participate in CROSS Training , which includes cultural , relational , organizational , spiritual , and skills lessons . This three-week training prepares you for what lies ahead . And those tests you took during the application process are now used to help you understand how to function at your best in any situation .
The excitement continues to build
Ministry partner training
Then , you move on to ministry partner development training . This training teaches how to build your prayer and financial support team . Once completed , you set up meetings with potential supporters , inviting them to partner with you and your calling .
Next , you attend Orientation to learn practical lessons to continue your journey , as well as the rich history of OMS and the legacy of our founders .