OMS Outreach Sep - Dec 2015 | Page 23

in an interdenominational caravan to the Trans-Amazonian region of Brazil to explore possibilities of missionary work. A number of the LBS students felt the call to be missionaries in Brazil and in other countries. Several served on the Operation Mobilization ship, the Doulos, and LBS graduate Silvana and her husband worked with OM in England. Other seminary students, Solange and Adilson, are missionaries with SIM in Kenya. Madalena Gomes taught and discipled pastors and church leaders with OMS in Mozambique. Even though many young people and seminary students from CONIM felt called as missionaries, there was no way for them to be sent through the denomination. So, they went with other organizations. CONIM thus lagged behind in missionary participation and action. Perhaps the first seeds planted for official CONIM mission involvement began in the At the request of the Mozambique field, a team from Brazil, including OMS Brazil field leader Micah Routon and Brazilian church leaders Jacó and Sandro, visited to explore partnership opportunities in Mozambique between CONIM, OMS Mozambique, and Palavra Viva (the OMS-related church in Mozambique). In 2011, Jacó (CONIM president) invited OMS Mozambique missionary Aimee Howarth to speak at the Annual National Convention of the church. Her Portuguese accent, stories, and typical African dress won the hearts of the Brazilians. In 2012, two Mozambique church leaders, Daniel and Juca, were invited to the convention. They were accompanied by Paulo Almeida, a Brazilian businessman who, along with his