Sharing the Gospel in the
Lori McFall
One Mission Society
With only 0.44 percent of the population of the Republic of Ireland claiming to be
evangelical Christians, it is the least-evangelized English-speaking nation in the world, and the
Irish are considered an unreached people group. Currently, 70 towns in Ireland with a population of
5,000+ people have no evangelical witness. Approximately 27 percent of the population consider
themselves atheists, with no belief in any god or religion.
Jonny and Julie Pollock, OMS missionaries from Northern Ireland, didn’t want to go to the Republic
of Ireland, but God had other plans! A friend asked them to research Christianity in Ireland. While doing
so, they met Stephen Williamson (former OMS Ireland field director), who introduced them to Paudge
Mulvahill (director of Calvary Mission, an OMS partner in Ireland). They visited County Mayo and were
burdened by the need there. After seeking the Lord’s will for their lives and speaking to mentors and
loved ones, they applied to serve in Ireland with OMS.
Jonny and Julie are passionate about discipleship and seeing people grow in their faith. But
in Ireland, with so few believers, their main role will be evangelism. They will work with Calvary
Church Westport to reach into the West of Ireland, beginning by building relationships in the local community. They will look for opportunities to share the Gospel with every person they meet,
whether it is in a coffee shop or at the school gates. They also hope to develop a few other ministry
opportunities, as well as preaching and teaching.
The Pollocks desire to be faithful to God and his Word. They will share the Good News with those
who have not read much of the Bible and have less of an understanding of the Gospel. They are
both passionate about communicating the Truth of God and are excited about the opportunities he
is giving for them to do that.
Having just arrived in Westport, Ireland, the Pollocks are still settling in and figuring out their
new roles. Please pray for God’s peace and guidance. They would also appreciate your prayers for
Benjamin and Joshua as they settle into the routine at their new school. And pray that the Lord will
open the hearts of the people that they come in contact with—that many will be won for Christ.
photo page 15: Jonny and Julie Pollock and their three sons, Benjamin, Joshua,
and Caleb. The Pollacks first served with OMS in Mexico City on a short-term trip
in 2006. They then returned to Mexico and served from 2007-2009.