By Yesse Mlongecha Village Church Planting Coordinator Tanzania
Charles was addicted to alcohol. He spent many
hours away from his home, drinking in bars. He used
the small amount of money he earned to purchase alcoShida, a
instead of caring for his family. At his lowest point, he
Swahili name
even stopped working his farmland, which produced most
that means
of his family’s food.
In many parts of Africa, the term for an older man is
was born
which roughly translates to “respected one.” Instead
into a Muslim
of having respect, the entire village called Charles “mbofamily. While still
regwa,” meaning someone who is drunk all the time. Charles’
a Muslim, she lived as a prostibehavior brought shame to his family.
tute and fell in love with a local
businessman in her village.
This man abused her. Shida
wanted to end the relationship,
but the man refused. This
situation led to mental illness
for Shida.
Her parents sought help in
all the local hospitals, but no
one could help. She was also
taken to witch doctors, as is
the custom in her village, but
But then, OMS VCP pastors showed up in his life, shared Jesus
they found no success there
with him, and now everything is different.
Charles shared, “I thank God the VCP leaders met me in my
The last solution was to
confusion and considered me worthy for his kingdom by changtake her to the church where
ing my life for his glory.
our One Mission So