Emilio is a young Spanish man
who came to know the Lord
through the OMS ministry
of Peace and Hope. He is
a leader who loves the
Lord and serves in
Albacete, Spain,
with a clear
vision to mul-
tiply disciples,
leaders, and
churches. His
passion is to
reach Spaniards.
In answer to fervent prayer, God
has provided “persons of peace” in
each of the three provinces where Every
Community for Christ uses Train & Multiply.
These people have received initial training,
despite the instability and insecurity in Haiti.
We thank the Lord that ECC now ministers in
all 10 Haitian provinces.
Since 2016, I have been
visiting Christ Church in
Montevideo, Uruguay,
from Colombia for up
to three weeks each
semester to assist with
outreach and leadership
development. I have experi-
enced the growth of God´s unique
work in individuals with different backgrounds as they bring
faith to life while meeting physical, emotional, and spiritual
–Dr. Juan Carlos Uhía, Bogotá, Colombia