OMS Outreach Outreach Online September-December 2019 | Page 7

backpack. Billion. Global partners can request one of these backpacks free of charge thanks to generous Jesus Film Project donors. OMS village church planters who minister in Africa are working to obtain back- pack units for 23 regions in Africa. We are excited to see how God uses this for his glory. Davar Partners International ministers to the oral cultures of the world by producing audio Bibles. Their vision is to make the au- dible Word of God accessible in every spoken language. Their 2019 goal is to record the entire Bible in 19 additional languages. Coalition partner, Biglife, reaches out to disciple people and stimulate the multiplication of believers in many places of the world. Many of these people groups are oral learners, so Biglife and Davar Partners have been introduced and are seeking ways to help new believ- ers in these oral cultures come to know God bet- ter and love him more. It is encouraging to see how God brings the diversity of the body together in the Billion.Global coalition. We seek to en- courage cooperation, even collaboration, leading to kingdom synergy. With more than 920 Christian mission organizations just in the United States, surely the Lord of the harvest is honored and pleased when we work together! they share the love of Christ through all they do. In recent years, several deaf children have come to NLAI. DOOR International is a ministry to the unreached people group of the deaf. DOOR has produced the Bible in more than 26 sign languages in video form for use around the world. Through Billion.Global, NLAI and DOOR were introduced so these deaf children could be discipled and grow strong in their faith with tools provided by DOOR. The Korea Evangelical Holiness Church has a long history with OMS. The global problem of young people leaving the church is affecting the church in Korea as well. Steiger International, a ministry that reaches out to the unreached youth culture through music and the arts, has been active in Europe for many years. God led them to begin ministry in South America last year, but they had no connec- tions to begin ministry in Asia. In the spring of 2019, God arranged for the leaders of the KEHC and Steiger to meet in Los Angeles, California. They held additional meet- ings in Seoul, South Korea, in June that resulted in a youth conference and outreach meetings in July. God made a way for this collaboration through Billion.Global. The JESUS film has been used to spread the Good News of Jesus since the 1980s, and it has been translated into more than 1,750 languages to help reach the world. In times past, a pickup truck of equipment was required to show the film. Today, all of the equipment can fit in a single 7