OMS Outreach Outreach Online January-April 2020 | Page 15

self.” The facilitator announced that the Holy Spirit was revealing that there was someone present who was being tempted to end his life. Wilson felt a fire burning in his body and stood to his feet, publicly admitting that he planned to commit suicide that very night. The facilitator prayed for Wilson, who testifies that the Lord spoke to him, saying, “You are so valuable to me that I paid a high price for you through the death of my Son.” Wilson continued going through The Prisoner’s Journey to learn more about this Jesus who gave his life for sinners like him. One month later, Wilson stood before the group and proclaimed Jesus as his Lord and Savior. After graduat- ing from the course, he began the discipleship program and continues to follow Jesus. He is happy and committed to sharing what Jesus has done for him. While no one plans to go to prison, God meets people there and uses Prison Fellowship Colombia and OMS to help those who are lost and without hope, like Wilson, begin a new journey with Jesus Christ. Through our longtime part- nership, we have worked in more than 100 prisons. Last year, 14,997 prisoners participated in The Prisoner’s Journey, with 13,976 graduating and continuing into discipleship groups. Some of those who receive Christ and are discipled in the prisons continue in ministry after they are released. We now embark on a new ministry to reach youth who have fallen prey to the temptation to follow the criminal path. We have acquired a large avocado farm just outside Medellín where we will develop six youth facilities to house court- mandated adolescents to live in a Christian, family atmosphere. Each unit will house 10–12 youth in a home with house parents where they will begin their own journey. Using the Gospel as the foundation and working through a restor- ative justice model, we will begin a holistic process to restore and reintegrate these youth into society. We have already seen God transform hardened criminals into ministers of the Gospel in the prisons of Colombia. Now, we are trusting Jesus to intervene in the lives of troubled youth and empower them to glorify God as his redeemed messengers of hope. We are in the early stages of this new ministry project, but we continue forward with the confidence that God is establishing our steps. To learn more about this ministry, click this video link To give 15