OMS Outreach OMS Outreach magazine Sept-Dec 2018 | Page 16

By David and Lori Long, Theological Education Team OMS-related churches and ministries. The breadth of their ministry grew over the years, only to be matched by the breadth of their love for Hong Kong and its inter- national people. Their service is easily identified with churches, education, prayer ministry, and counseling, but it is more sig- nificantly identified with the hundreds of individual lives they have touched. Dave served as field director from 1991- 2010. During that time, the Aufrances were instrumental in the founding and growth of International Christian School, which be- gan with 56 students, including Dave and Cindy’s own children, Becky and Josh. Today, ICS has over 1,000 students. Dave was the OMS representative on the first ICS school board and later served as the board chair. Both Dave and Cindy have touched the lives of many ICS students, parents, and faculty with their leadership, prayers, and volunteer work. Forty-three years ago, Psalm 2:8 captured the hearts of Dave and Cindy Aufrance: “Ask of me, and I will make the na- tions your heritage, and the ends of the earth your possession.” They have seen this verse come to fruition as they have reached people of many nations in their time of dedicated service in Hong Kong with One Mission Society. The measure of a successful mission- ary is love for the Lord, love for the people, and perseverance. Dave and Cindy have modeled these keys to success. Their service started in 1975 as a short-term assignment to teach at United Christian College, an OMS-founded school for sec- ondary education Chinese students. UCC has educated many of the leaders of our 16