In 2016, One Mission Society lost several beloved missionaries. We now honor and
remember those OMS missionaries who served with distinction for 10 years or more.
Dorothy Cassle received her call to missions after becoming in-
volved with a mission program at World Gospel Church in Terre Haute,
Indiana. In July 1967, Dorothy applied and was accepted to One Mission
Society to serve in the mailroom. She faithfully served there for 12 years.
Diane Dickerson, alongside her husband Will, served for 22 years
in Hungary, using her many God-given gifts and talents to serve and min-
ister to the people she loved. Diane’s servant heart, warm approachable
spirit, and good communication abilities, along with her great cooking
skills, all gave her opportunities to share the love of Christ through Bible
clubs and friendship evangelism outreaches throughout the year and dur-
ing summer English camps.
Wesley Duewel served with his wife Betty in India for more than 25
years, helping start and teaching at Allahabad Bible Seminary. He then
served for 13 years as President of One Mission Society. Following his
presidency, Wesley expanded his writing ministry, assisted by his longime
secretary, Hilda Johnecheck, whom he later married. His first major book
was Touch the World Through Prayer, with a circulation of nearly 1 million,
and his 10 subsequent publications have exceeded 2.5 million in circula-
tion and have been printed in 58 languages worldwide.
Ruth Greenlee first served overseas in 1964, when she spent a year
in Medellín, Colombia, with her husband Harold, who taught at the OMS-
related seminary. Five years later, Harold and Ruth began their career mis-
sionary service with One Mission Society, and they traveled the world.
Ruth was always a lovely hostess, helping out wherever the opportunity
presented itself while Harold taught in Bible schools and seminaries.