Jennifer : How do you tell other people about Jesus ?
MK 1 , age 10 : “ I take care of little kids and help in triage with the medical teams . I help translate .”
MK 2 , age 9 : “ I do kids club every Saturday . We sing and dance and help .”
MK 3 , age 10 : “ When the grownups do ministry with the grownups , I go play with the kids and teach them
about God .”
MK 4 , age 13 : “ We started a church . I help there with the kids , teaching Bible study at night .”
MK 5 , age 11 : “ Sometimes I help with worship . I also help tell kids about God by leading dances
with Christian music . That is my favorite part .”
MK 6 , age 13 : “ I help with the praise team , and I teach kids and share the Gospel .” MK 7 , age 5 : “ I love people and am nice to them .” MK 8 , age 3 : “ I play with kids .”
Jennifer : What do you like best about ministry ? MK 4 : “ Sharing the Gospel .” MK 2 : “ That others get to learn about one of the most wonderful things in the world .” MK 1 : “ That I get to do it too ( share the Gospel ).”
MK 3 : “ My favorite part is if you share the love of Jesus , they can also one day go to heaven .”
MK 6 : “ My favorite part is helping them know Jesus Christ our Savior .”
MK 9 , age 15 : “ After everything ends , you are left with this sense of satisfaction … you are satisfied that you were able to teach them something .”
These kids are reaching other kids and their families in ways an adult never could . They share Christ , unhindered by the things that often hold us back as adults . As I work with kids , I love seeing their faith in action . The Bible doesn ’ t put an age limit on who can tell others about Jesus . One of the missionary kids , just 3 years old , asked me , “ Have you met Jesus ? Because I have .” They know that what they do has eternal value , that their message is important , and that God wants them to share with others . God is using these children in mighty ways to reach others for Christ .
photo , pg . 14 : Micah Williamson and a friend spend time together in Ecuador . photos , pg 15 , top : Lydia Williamson participates in an art project at the Bread and Fish Kids Club in Ecuador . bottom : Johanna and Elizabeth Pazmiño lead worship with the the kids at VBS in Ecuador .