OMS Outreach May-Aug 2013 | Page 9

God and those who gave them .
In the late 1970s , the fundraising practices for nonprofit organizations came under serious scrutiny . OMS joined the Evangelical Council for Financial Accountability as one of its chartered ( original ) members in 1979 , the year ECFA began . By being a member of ECFA , OMS agrees to follow ECFA ’ s Seven Standards of Responsible Stewardship TM . One of these standards states that a financial audit must be completed by an independent auditor . OMS has maintained an unqualified , or clean , audit since we began having audits completed .
The second half of Luke 12:48 says , “ From everyone who has been given much , much will be demanded ; and from the one who has been entrusted with much , much more will be asked .” Through OMS ’ 112-year history , much has been given and entrusted . This trust requires OMS to handle its money , its personnel and its other resources in a manner that is above reproach . OMS endeavors to make certain that every decision we make maximizes our resources to help accomplish the Great Commission .
Our hope and desire is to continue to honor the sacrifices of the Merrills and our many other faithful supporters by doing everything possible to stay accountable to God , to the leaders of the organization and to the constituents . photo : Chuck and Nita Merrill brought hope to others through their music ministry .