In 2012 , One Mission Society lost several beloved missionaries . We now honor and remember those OMS missionaries that served with distinction for 10 years or more .
Ismay Allison worked in faithful partnership with her husband John , who served as the executive director of OMS Australia from 1948 to 1971 . Ismay was well-known for her generosity , faithfulness and compassion for people around the world .
Joseph Black , from Northern Ireland , joined OMS in 1953 after the organization he was serving with in India merged with OMS . He married Ruby in 1954 , and they continued serving together until retirement in 1985 . Joe served at the Allahabad Bible Seminary for two years before returning to Simla to continue doing evangelism .
Virginia Brubaker served with OMS South Korea at Seoul Theological Seminary , where she taught a church music curriculum that she developed . Later , she was the OMS representative at Azusa Pacific University , and upon retirement , she became involved in the ministry at the OMS Student Center at Asbury University .
Mel Buck and his wife Donna joined OMS in 1983 . During his 15 years of service , Mel worked at the OMS World Headquarters in the mailroom and in maintenance . He and Donna also served two years in Russia with CoMission .
Harry Burr began serving with OMS in 1957 , along with his wife Eleanor . In 1960 , he became executive director of Men for Missions , a role he filled for 23 years . During that time , Harry encouraged many laymen to get involved in missions . For years after they retired , Harry and Eleanor continued promoting OMS through MFM events .