This past
our Radio
4VEH team
delivered a box
of Resounding Hope
solar-powered radios to
Autumn, a pediatric occupational
therapist, working in the northwest of
Haiti with another Christian mission. Autumn requested
the radios, saying, “It would be awesome to get each of
my outreach families one of your solar-powered radios and
make their homes become a central place in their communities to hear the Gospel preached and break the barriers in the
community as well.” As part of her outreach with physically
challenged children and their families, she visited a young girl
named Nerlan. Autumn said, “We were able to bless her family with a solar-powered Christian radio from Radio 4VEH.
They were beyond excited and started cheering!”
Of the 44 Ukrainian university
students who attended two
English Camps in Kiev,
Ukraine, this past summer, 18 indicated they
had prayed to become
followers of
Jesus. Two new worshiping
life groups have started as
a result of the camps.
New OMS field: For One Mission Society missionaries David and Carol Cosby, ministry began
in Venezuela in 2002 (seconded by OMS). Today, 100 students are preparing for ministry in
the Wesleyan Seminary of Venezuela. One seminary graduate and his church have seen 194
people won to Christ this year through outreach efforts.