istering in the countryside . It felt surreal to know there was a place like this where I could do missions work .
With faith as my compass , I eagerly accepted God ’ s call to serve in Spain . Coming back to the States , I knew I needed to further my business education . I enrolled in college , where I studied business . These last couple of years have been incredibly rewarding as I ’ ve seen God work in my life and bring every aspect together for me to serve in Spain .
I am grateful for the Embark program ’ s transformative impact . I wouldn ’ t be where I am today without it . It helped equip me with tools , support , and mentoring as I discerned my calling and embraced God ’ s purpose . I strongly encourage this program for anyone who wants to experience the mission field in depth .
It ’ s a valuable resource for recent high school or university graduates looking to explore their calling .
I am currently raising support for my new role in Spain as the assistant to the camp director , and I anticipate being on the field in January 2024 .
You can donate to Trevor ’ s ministry here : www . onemissionsociety . org / Johnson . For more information about Embark , email us at embark @ onemissionsociety . org .
7 photos : Trevor served in Hungary in the summer of 2021 and now plans to serve in Spain .