OMS Embark September-December 2023 | Page 4

Embarking on a New Journey

By Megan Hendon and Paul Keller , Mobilization
Embark , OMS ’ 1- to 12-month cross-cultural Christian mission experience , welcomes all ages , but primarily young adults , to take advantage of this short time commitment . Some Embark opportunities are solely service- or ministry-focused , but most
Embark internships also involve structured mentorship programs that encourage participants to develop personally , spiritually , and missionally while serving in cross-cultural ministry .
Why Embark ?
OMS recognized that often a one- or two-week short-term mission trip is not long enough for participants to feel immersed in a new culture and country , yet a missionary term of a year or more may seem too long as a first step . Therefore , OMS filled the gap and began the Embark mid-term program in 2020 . Many people fear a long-term commitment , feeling like they don ’ t have what it takes , aren ’ t sufficiently equipped , or haven ’ t fully heard God ’ s call . Because of these fears , many never pursue long-term missions .
Thanks to Embark ’ s mid-term time commitment , people get a “ try before you buy ” experience . Many are willing to dip their toes in and test the waters in hopes of discerning their next step .
Embark participants gain experiences that benefit them in several ways . They serve in programs that are tailored to their ministerial and professional interests . They engage with the global church and see