Oklahoma International Bluegrass Festival 2024 | Page 21

Jim Paul Blair ’ s Random Band Jam THE GREATEST SHOW ON EARTH !

Ladies and gentlemen , boys and girls ... welcome one and all to the The Greatest Show on Earth : Jim Paul Blair ’ s Random Band Jam ! “ I told Jean Wiles we have done it now . This is our circus ! We pray there are no monkeys , but we will definitely be dealing with a few clowns !,” said Leatha Pierce . “ So , who else would we possibly have emcee this year ’ s event ? None other than the circus performers in our OIBF family : Blake and Chelsea Parks .”

Chelsea says for her it all started when she decided to teach herself to ride a unicycle and nine years later she ’ s juggling , hooping , balancing on a giant ball and walking on stilts . “ So I started meeting up with other unicyclists in Oklahoma and quickly realized I had found my people . It wasn ’ t long before I met the owners of Inspyral Circus ; and after years of not knowing my future , at 27 years old , I finally found my dream job and now we have all been performing for several years . As of 2024 the Inspyral circus team has grown to include some of the most talented performers in Oklahoma including my husband , Blake Parks .” Chelsea taught Blake how to juggle and then bought him a pair of stilts for Christmas a few years ago . Blake recently performed a unique act in an Inspyral circus show playing fiddle on his stilts ; something very rare in the circus world . Blake says his wife was a true inspiration and he is enjoying combining his love for music and circus performances . “ We can ’ t wait to see what they have planned for Random Band Jam ”, states Jean Wiles . “ We have no doubt Jim Paul Blair would love it !”
The Random Band Committee is lead by Jean Wiles and Leatha Pierce . It includes Katey Blair , Melody Swan , Vincent and Glenna Robinson , Roy and Melody Korth , Kim Reynolds , Lauren Cornell , Kelly Kroh and the Shenanigans Coordinator Chris Robinson . Graphics are created by Karen Marks Willis and hospitality is provided by Barbie Jones .
To participate : come to the Random Band Jam sign up table any time between noon and 7:00 pm Thursday . The table is located behind the audience at the Byron Berline Main Stage . Put your name in the jar that corresponds to the instrument you play . Come back by 9:00 pm to see what band you are in . The bands will be posted by the RBJ sign up table . Bands have approximately 20 minutes to create a name , practice two songs and then hit the stage to perform .
Every band is a winner and participants receive a collectible button and a themed guitar pick . Come one , come all … to the Greatest Show On Earth !