Oklahoma Biker - The Riders Ragazine Mar - Apr 2017 | Page 18

I can see Spring from here !

I wanted to be the first to wish you all a Merry Christmas for 2017 ! Now don ’ t get all pissy about it , I ’ m just having a little fun and trying to stay ahead of Walmart and the Dollar General . Speaking of the holiday that seems to last all year long in the minds of the retailers , I ’ m not going to tell you that your Christmas lights should already be down …… but , could you at least stop turning them on at night like you got some hot beachside Tiki bar thing working ? ( Yes , I have that neighbor , still has them up , still turns them on every night ). I mean for God ’ s sake , how long do we really need to stretch this holiday out for ? It already runs from Halloween to Valentine ’ s day ( I guess ).
Anyhow , what kind of fresh Hell has this winter been ? 70 degrees one day and 20 degrees the next ! We have even had several of those “ Okie ” thermostat days at the shop , you know , the one that starts with the heat on and ends with the AC kicking in . You just got to love this place !!
So I ’ m sure that some of “ seasonal ” riding friends have had to sit all gloomy faced at the window ( maybe getting a little taste of Windex now and then ) watching those of us who didn ’ t put our bikes away until “ next season ” as we have been taking full advantage of the every other day spring like riding weather . It ’ s been a great winter in that aspect with stellar days to ride and even some late night / overnight temps that would warrant riding .
With the riding “ season ” approaching us like a runaway freight train , here ’ s couple of tips to keep in mind when pulling the bike out of hibernation or for you winter riding rebels . Check your tire pressure and inspect the side wall for dry rot . Some of you have had the same tire on for several years ( must be nice !). If you run a bagger , have a friend , buddy , Brother give you a hand rolling the bike since most of the tire is obscured inside the fender . Test your battery ! I don ’ t care if it was on a tender all “ off season ”, it ’ s electrical and shit happens . Take it to your local parts place and they should check it for you for free . Better to find it at home than on the side of the road during a trip ( or when you take it off the trailer if that be the case ). Check the drive belt . It ’ s got little bumpy things that hook into the sprocket / pulley thing on the back wheel . They too will dry rot and then the little bump things fall off and then you ’ re stuck . Last but damn sure not least , check all the fluids . Oil ( or 710 for some of you ), primary , trans and hey , how about the brake fluid too ! If this is about your skill set , take it over to your local bike shop of your choosing and have them give it good once over for you .
Ride ‘ em if ya got one ! - Tank