Oklahoma Biker - The Riders Ragazine Mar - Apr 2017 | Page 17




What if you could save an animal from a kill shelter ? What if that same animal could be trained as a service dog to help those with special needs ? This is exactly what Marj Satterfield does to make a difference .
Within five minutes of talking to Marj , AKA " The Dog Trainer ", you can tell she has passion ! Not only for dogs but also for people , especially those with special needs . Her favorite quote is , " Dog is God spelled backwards !" She knows that these animals , when properly trained and maintained , can truly be an answered prayer . Because there is such a huge need for service dogs , she has found the waiting list to be long and overwhelming ! After training dogs for over 43 years , she often struggles with a demand that outweighs the source . Her ability to provide this special service is limited and she needs the funding to expand her facility and to maintain the care of more animals . Marj needs our help !
On Saturday , April 15 , she will be hosting the 5th annual " Hogs 4 Service Dogs " rescue ride poker run . First stop will be held at Glad Wags Training Center in the middle of the Fontana Shopping Center at 51st and Memorial in Tulsa . Registration is only $ 25 for the first rider and $ 10 for a passenger . Extra poker hands can be purchased for just $ 5 more . It will begin at 9 am , KSU by 10 am ( in between runs TBD . ) The final stop will be at the American Legion post # 1 at 1120 East 8th in Tulsa with last bike in at 6 pm . This after party will have live music from the band ONG , food , and an open bar . News channel 8 ' s host , Erin Christy will be the emcee and will be
raffling off lots of cool prizes . High hand will pay $ 500 and low hand $ 250 , there will also be a wall of money where you will be encouraged to buy an envelope and match the dollar amount spent to a gift of equal or greater value . Some of the prizes donated include a gun safe and a 9mm Smith and Wesson . Even though this is a motorcycle focused run , all vehicle participation is welcome .
Marji knows first hand the love her service dogs receive but she is constantly amazed by their abilities to change human lives ; not only the life of the individual in need , but of the entire family . For more information about these incredible animals , and to read more about what Marj does , please visit her website at Gladwagsservicedogs . org . [ 1 ]