OJCL Torch Winter Torch 2020 | Page 19

Wyoming got the crowed really riled up. It was my final scene, the death of Achilles. The plan was for me to dramatically collapse on the ground and run off the stage once the next scene commenced. Which I did perfectly, or so I thought. After I fell, I soon realized I could not get up. Because of the awkward length of the armor I could not stand up without ripping the costume. In a panic I started hopelessly wiggling, flailing my legs trying to spring my body upward, but to no avail. Shoot the next scene started. I managed to flop on my stomach in a sweaty panic. I went to plank position and tried to raise my left leg, but it was blocked by the edge of the carboard. As I looked on the ground I pondered if I was ever to leave this personal hell. As I reached a mental low, I started to move! Or rather, was dragged; the kid playing Hercules saved me! Although at that seemed Other OJCLers performing their skit like the end of the world at the time, I now look back to that moment as one of my fondest memories. This convention, you will make memories that will last a lifetime and just not know it. Make sure you savor your experience at the JCL. Submit to OJCL Torch! Email your articles to [email protected] page 18