Ursuline Update
Ellie Miller, Ursuline
Ursuline Academy’s Latin Club has
had an exciting year so far! Convention
brainstorming has begun, and several
projects are underway. Committees for
each project have been formed and all
are making great progress.
Following the announcement and
collection of club dues, 21 decided to
become official members of Ursuline’s
Latin Club, the OJCL, and the NJCL (2
more than last year!). We are excited to
welcome these members into the JCL
During our meetings, we have played
certamen, competed in a classics-
themed relay, and made marshmallow
glires. In addition to these fun activities,
we have used meeting time to begin
convention planning and excitement!
Just before the holidays, all of Ursuline’s
language and culture clubs came
together for a holiday meeting. Latin
Club members had a great time learning
about French, German, Spanish, and
African traditions. While club members
made Eiffel Tower ornaments and drank
Mexican hot chocolate, Ellie Miller, our
club president, manned an informational
booth about Saturnalia along with laurel
coloring pages and snacks. We can’t wait
for these next months of fun and
preparation leading up to convention!
Top: Clu of r po g wi Sat
li po r s o c g t e na l e an
c o n t a at d e of t i ev co ma at t e Lat bo . Bot : Clu
me r ho n de te s e r , ma at t e Ger