OJCL Torch Fall 2017 | Page 5

ove Your State as Why You Should L ico Does! Much as New Mex VP ason, NMJCL First by Gar rett Fr ye-M -Mason, name is Garrett Frye y m e, m ow kn y ad re past years, I If you do not al e of New Mexico. In at st e th of n io at leg de llow delegates and I am the entire ns along with other fe tio en nv co l na tio na er, have journeyed to sister Bryn (a far cool in tw y m as ch su t, en hantm year’s from the Land of Enc !). However, for this ay w e th by I, an th on rs companied smarter, and better pe to Alabama alone, ac d lle ve tra I , ity rs ve ni , and my all-too-trusty convention at Troy U ich w im H h ug H r, he l Latin teac the only by my wonderfu on the planet. Being ok bo st te ea gr e th , enough os and copy of Allen and Gre tion certainly has its pr en nv co l na tio na at e stat ry best in all lone delegate from a gs out the extraordina in br ly tru it e, nc rie pe I was always cons, but from my ex paths at convention, e th n w do ng ki al iles. w of the JCL. While omes, and friendly sm elc w us io ac gr e, at st y rs for m w I was and confronted with chee constantly asked me ho try un co e th er ov l al nely as the People from ght that I would be lo ou th y he T . em th in jo g such a whether I wanted to I ever be lonely amon d ul co w ho t bu e, at plified this singular NM deleg rticular perfectly exem pa in e at st ne O d? wonderful crow ate of Ohio. y spirit: your home st welcoming and friendl d me and n pretty much adopte io at leg de o hi O ur yo card games At convention, e. From early morning bl ta et rg fo un ly tru y made my time in Tro pped” and being forced na id “k ng tti ge to ly) Mao is sil d at breakfast (five card for your wonderful an ng ni ig pa m ca or , ip llowsh ator, to go to Ohio’s state fe munications Coordin om C 18 -20 17 20 l na tio na I urge you exceptionally talented your state. That’s why ith w ve lo in ll fe ely et friends, to play Lynn Ahrens, I compl n, to thrive with your tio en nv co ur yo d an amatic e to enjoy your stat e night, to practice dr th in te la til un ar m for gram ost of card games, to study d to truly make the m an , es at leg de d te len ta her y time with interpretation with ot ill certainly cherish m w elf ys m I e us ca be , L your time at the OJC uch. you all so very, very m nk ha T n. io at leg de your Blue Skies, e of New Mexico elegation of the Stat Garrett, the Entire D 4 l at the l a C l l o R ticipates in . Garrett par oy, Alabama r T in n io t Conven 2017 NJCL