Oil&Gas Buisiness Issue Volume 14 | Page 61

english issue petrochemical and export capacity reduces the ethane oversupply in 2016 and 2017 , ethane prices are expected to generally remain above natural gas prices , leading to a rise in ethane recovery to meet demand and export growth . EIA ’ s recent report on the ‘ Short Term Outlook for Hydrocarbon Gas Liquids ’ examines ethane production , consumption , exports , and infrastructure projects . US ethane consumption , which was 1.05 million bpd in 2015 , is forecast to increase 50 000 bpd in 2016 as expansion projects at ethylene producing petrochemical plants increase feedstock demand for ethane . In 2017 , ethane consumption is projected to increase another 80 000 bpd as capacity begins to ramp up at five new petrochemical plants and at a previously deactivated plant . In 2014 , the US switched from being a net importer of ethane to a net exporter after the opening of two new ethane pipelines that began transporting ethane from North Dakota and southwestern Pennsylvania to Canada . EIA ’ s ‘ Short Term Energy Outlook ’ ( STEO ) expects annual average ethane net exports to increase from 60 000 bpd in 2015 to 230 000 bpd in 2017 , as new export facilities and ethane carrying ships enable ethane to reach overseas markets . On 9 March , the US shipped the first waterborne exports of ethane from the Marcus Hook , Pennsylvania terminal to Europe . A second ethane terminal is expected to open at Morgan ’ s Point , Texas in the 3Q16 . The two terminals are expected to export ethane mainly to European and Asian countries . Adapted from press release by

Commerce Bank partners with Entrust Datacard for instant issuance of EMV payment cards
Commerce Bank , a subsidiary of Commerce Bancshares and operator of hundreds of retail banking locations in the central US , is utilizing Entrust Datacard ’ s software and hardware solutions to instantly issue EMV smart card debit and prepaid cards to its customers in over 170 branch locations . Preparing its card operations well in advance of the U . S . EMV liability shift deadline of Oct . 1 , 2015 , Commerce Bank -- which is based out of Kansas City -- looked to provide differentiated services , an added layer of security with smart card technology , and enhanced customer experiences by offering its customers the ability to receive an instantly issued EMV debit and prepaid card in branch - for both new cardholders and those needing a replacement card . The branches have been fully operational with offering instant issuance of EMV cards since late last year . « Commerce Bank is committed to providing best-in-class service and security of payment cards , and we wanted to ensure that we were well-prepared to begin offering our customers EMV cards as soon as possible ,» said Angela Finn , vice president and manager of Debit and Prepaid Products at Commerce Bank . Commerce Bank first implemented Entrust Datacard ’ s financial instant issuance software and hardware in 2006 . The end-to-end solution includes the Datacard CR500 instant issuance system and flagship Datacard CardWizard instant issuance software . « They were one of the earlier adopters of instant issuance as they very quickly realized the value it brought to them and their customers . It only makes sense that they were one of the first to ensure that they offered instant issuance of EMV cards as well . By offering in-branch instant issuance of EMV enabled prepaid and debit cards , Commerce Bank is providing their consumers with security and convenience , all while driving up their engagement rates , customer satisfaction and increasing their ROI .» Entrust Datacard has a long history of successful implementations supporting over 300 EMV deployments , and over 25,000 instant issuance programs worldwide . In the U . S . alone , more than 3,400 financial branches have successfully rolled out EMV instant issuance ; and over 5,400 branches or retail locations outside the U . S . are currently issuing chip cards - all utilizing Entrust Datacard instant issuance solutions .
Source : Company Press Release
OIL & GAS business / NUMÉRO 14 / Avril 2016 / 61