Oil&Gas Buisiness Issue Volume 13 | Page 61

english issue

What are the possibilities of overcoming the crisis though the emergence of a national unity government ? Many efforts are being made to promote national unity . The Libyans have understood that they must bring all their forces together under a single banner , including militias and political organizations . This is the purpose of African Union efforts to promote internal dialogue and exclude any foreign military intervention .
Concerning the financial resources of Daesh , how did this terrorist organization manage to amass such booty in a context of a global monitoring of cash flows ? We should keep in mind that the fall of Mosul enabled Daesh to grab the coffers of the central bank of this city , which contained $ 500 million in cash . But , beyond that booty , an interesting research paper has revealed that the banks that were in the territory controlled by Daesh remained connected to the international financial network . As silly as it sounds , the banks ’ operations in the territories controlled by Daesh were not interrupted with the outside world . Besides , the terrorist organization set up a barter system in which petroleum was exchanged with other goods or paid in cash . This alternative economy is based on the failed experience of AQIM in northern Mali where populations were mobilized successfully against terrorist groups because of deteriorating living conditions .
Muslim lands .” It might attract more recruits to the terrorist organization . However , sometimes operational objectives take precedence over political considerations when there is an emergency . This is what must have happened in the Sebrata attack . We hope that good information coverage is shared with the Libyan authorities and those directly concerned , namely neighbouring countries . We also hope that all partners will share relevant information in the context of the fight against this criminal organization . The goal is to unify all the forces able to play a major role on the ground .
TRS Start-up at In Salah Southern Fields announced
In Salah Gas , a joint venture between Sonatrach , BP and Statoil today announced the start-up of its Southern Fields project . The project is the latest stage in the development of seven gas fields in central Algeria . The In Salah Gas joint venture commenced production in 2004 from three fields in the north of the area : Krechba , Teguentour and Reg . The Southern Fields project involves the development of four dry gas fields : Gour Mahmoud , In Salah , Garet el Befinat and Hassi Moumene . Developing the Southern Fields will maintain planned production at 9 billion cubic metres per annum . Commenting on the start-up , Hesham Mekawi , BP North Africa Regional President said : “ The safe start – up of Southern Fields is an important example of the strength and quality of the longstanding partnership between Sonatrach , BP and Statoil and is evidence of BP ’ s continued commitment to invest in Algeria . I am pleased to congratulate the team at In Salah Gas on this significant achievement that will sustain production for years to come .” Drilling of 26 planned southern field wells began in 2014 and is planned to continue until 2018 . The project ’ s scope includes a new 500 mmscfd gas dehydration central processing facility close to Hassi Moumene , brownfield modifications to existing processing facilities at Reg , Teg and Krechba , 150 km of carbon steel export pipelines , 160 km of 13 % chrome corrosion resistant alloy infield flowlines and the drilling and tie in of the 26 new wells . Production is planned to ramp up to 14.1 million cubic metres per day ( 500 mmscfd ) as wells in the Hassi Moumene and Garet el Befinat field are brought on line over the next two months .
OIL & GAS business / NUMÉRO 13 / Mars 2016 / 61