Oil&Gas Buisiness Issue Volume 13 | Page 58

Idriss Mounir Laalali

english issue

Idriss Mounir Laalali

Director General of the African Centre for Study and Research on Terrorism ( ACSRT )

An Attack on Algeria would be suicidal for Daesh

By Rachid Lourdjane
Located in the district of Mohammedia on the outskirts of Algiers , the African Centre for Study and Research on Terrorism ( ACSRT ) is in charge of assisting member states in combating and preventing terrorism under international and continental obligations . Mr . Idriss LAALALI , Director General of ACSRT describes in detail the tasks of this important institution of the African Union . The first of its missions is the management of data on terrorism and related crimes and providing African expertise in the fight against this phenomenon . In the same vein , ACSRT is involved in analysis , studies , and research on the scourge of terrorism with a tool for monitoring and warning as part of an approach to build states ’ capacities to improve their knowledge of the armed groups that threaten the lives and security of people and to neutralize these groups . In the twelve years of its existence , ACSRT has built a network of African partners in fifty ( 50 ) countries . African Union ( AU ) Member states adhered to the obligation to put at the disposal of ACSRT a focal point for all useful exchanges of relevant information about the security environment and terrorist threats . The focus is to ensure continental watch and warning for AU Member states on conflict management and to review each country ’ s capacity to defend itself . In this regard , a Security Council committee has made review visits under the implementation of Resolution 1373 . Mr . Idriss Mounir LAALALI notes with some pride that a third of the Continent , i . e . eighteen ( 18 ) countries , have been reviewed by ACSRT and a detailed report on the capabilities and needs for training and equipment for each of them has been prepared .
58 / OIL & GAS business / NUMÉRO 13 / mars 2016