Oil Leak volume 2 | Page 7

To the editor


I did not really like how you put the comparison of cars because of how you compared my car to a new car because I think that my car is better and I don't recommend making another version of this car. I also think that you should have more pictures of already manufactured cars because of how people may want to see how there cars are different from other manufactured cars. you may also want to see if you can include pricing of different cars because i am looking for a car and i have no idea of what to get.


i loved you magazine because of how many colours there are and how many different cars you have in there and how you have different ideas for future cars. the other cars are so awesome because because of how they are designed and how they are so different. i also like the magazine because of how you encourage each other dealer before you start talking about the new design. I especially love how everything is organized by every dealer and a comparison of a new car to there car.i also think that at the end of the magazine is awesome because of how you advertisements for different dealers.