Oil Leak volume 2 | Page 6

Letter from the editor


I chose to write this magazine on this topic because for one I am obsessed with cars and

alot of the time when I look around and I see these families with multiple people and these families are in these little cars that barely have any space.

When I saw that, I thought that if people are stuck in a car like that, it may mean that they can afford a bigger truck or car. when I saw that i thought, what if there were a big car or truck that was fairly high and not to high that it will make you spend all of your money and you will end up broke.

What you will see is a comparison of a car that is already manufactured and wright beside that, you will see a new blueprint of a bigger car or truck. when you see these if you think that there should be something added you will see a box and you can write what you think.

When you are done reading this magazine you can send us an email and tell us your thoughts and ideas about what you think we should add.