Oil & Gas Regulatory Group Highlights 2022 | Page 3

7 . Navigator CO2 Ventures — members of our group are part of a larger Bracewell team representing Navigator CO2 Ventures LLC , a portfolio company of BlackRock Global Energy & Power Infrastructure Fund III , in the development of an industrial scale carbon capture , transportation , and sequestration system ( CCS ). This year we continued to represent Navigator in the negotiation and execution of numerous commercial agreements to underpin the development of the project . The Navigator system will provide CCS services for more than 30 industrial processors and over ten ( 10 ) million tons of annual CO2 emissions .
8 . Phillips 66 Pipeline Blue Line East — we are currently representing Phillips 66 Pipeline in connection with two rate cases for its Blue Line East , which transports propane and butane between various facilities and markets in the Midwest . The rate case proceeding has been ongoing since December of 2021 . In December of 2022 , we filed a second , “ pancaked ” rate case seeking to recover additional capital expenditures . In addition to representing Phillips 66 Pipeline in its rate case , we also successfully defended the company against a complaint filed at FERC by NGL Supply Wholesale alleging discriminatory practices on the Blue Line . FERC ’ s dismissal of the complaint was affirmed by DC Circuit and NGL Supply Wholesale ’ s petition for a writ of certiorari was denied by the Supreme Court .
9 . Tallgrass Energy Partners — we represented two of Tallgrass ’ s interstate natural gas pipelines – Trailblazer and Rockies Express – in connection with a momentous new project that will involve Trailblazer converting a large portion of its system from natural gas service to carbon dioxide service . As part of the project , Trailblazer will lease capacity from Rockies Express , thereby allowing Trailblazer ’ s customers to use the leased capacity on Rockies Express to obtain the service they previously obtained on the portion of the Trailblazer system that will be converted to carbon dioxide service . The project also involves the construction of new pipeline facilities and we continue to advise Tallgrass on pipeline safety issues in connection with these and other projects , including those involving RNG .
10 . Targa Resources — we successfully defended Targa against a complaint filed by Enerplus Resources , who had alleged that Targa had discriminated against it on certain of its North Dakota pipeline assets . FERC recently denied rehearing of its 2021 order dismissing the complaint . We are currently representing the company in a separate but related proceeding initiated by FERC regarding the appropriate regulatory structure for these pipeline assets .
11 . Tuscarora Gas Transmission — we are currently representing Tuscarora Gas Transmission in a Section 4 rate case that was fled in July of 2022 . The case has been set for hearing and we are concurrently representing the pipeline in settlement discussions .
Ranked Bracewell ’ s Oil & Gas Regulatory Practice as Band 1 for the 9th consecutive year .
A leading firm with highly impressive expertise across the energy arena , particularly esteemed for its ability within the oil and gas regulatory space . Offers excellent capability in FERC and CFTC investigations , as well as representation of pipeline clients in FERC rate , tariff and jurisdictional matters .
“ Bracewell are true experts in their area , highly responsive and creatively think through solutions to problems .” – Chambers USA 2023
Ranked Bracewell ’ s Oil & Gas Regulatory Practice as Tier 1 for the 7th consecutive year .
Bracewell LLP handles a mix of transactional and standalone regulatory work in the oil and gas field , covering the full spectrum of upstream , midstream and downstream mandates . The team is at the forefront of pipeline infrastructure work and is experienced in issues involving both oil and gas pipelines . Senior team members frequently represent clients before the Federal Energy Regulatory Commission ( FERC ), Department of Energy ( DoE ), the Commodity Futures Trading Commission ( CFTC ), and other state and federal regulatory agencies .
“ Industry experts in energy regulation . Always find time for their clients .” – Legal 500 2023 bracewell . com