Oil & Gas Regulatory Group Highlights 2022 | Page 2

2022 Oil & Gas Regulatory Group Highlights

In 2022 , we handled exciting and noteworthy projects for industry leaders such as Colonial Pipeline , DT Midstream , Enbridge , Enterprise , Kinder Morgan , Phillips 66 , Tallgrass Energy , Targa Resources , and TC Energy , among others . We also represented the foremost industry trade group associations on key issues , including the Liquid Energy Pipeline Association ( LEPA ), the Interstate Natural Gas Association of America ( INGAA ), and the American Petroleum Institute ( API ). Over the course of the last year , we have assisted our clients with a wide array of new infrastructure projects , extensive litigation before federal agencies and courts , important policy proceedings , numerous investigations , and substantial transactions . In addition to advising on oil and gas matters , we continue to represent our clients on opportunities and projects related to carbon capture and sequestration , hydrogen , and other aspects of the energy transition .
We are grateful for the opportunities that our clients have presented to us , the successes we have helped our clients achieve , and the new challenges in the year ahead that we will tackle together .
Because we could not choose among the many significant matters we handled for our clients in 2022 , our fourth annual “ Top 10 ” list includes a bonus , 11th matter . Adding to our list of 2022 highlights , we welcomed Catherine Little , Annie Cook , and Mandi Moroz and their industry leading pipeline safety practice to our oil & gas regulatory team .
Some of our favorite and most consequential projects from 2022 included :
1 . Colorado Interstate Gas Company , Great Lakes Gas Transmission , Wyoming Interstate Company , and Young Gas Storage — over the course of the year , we assisted each of these interstate natural gas pipeline clients reach rate case settlements with their customers . These settlements helped our clients avoid costly and time consuming rate case litigation at FERC .
2 . El Paso Natural Gas Company (“ EPNG ”) and Stagecoach Pipeline and Storage Company (“ Stagecoach ”) — we represented both companies in separate Section 5 rate cases initiated by FERC in 2022 . For El Paso Natural Gas Company , a settlement agreement was filed in December of 2022 and is pending Commission review . We continue to represent Stagecoach in its Section 5 case , which FERC launched in September of 2022 .
3 . Enbridge Inc . — we continue to advise Enbridge on oil and gas pipeline safety issues , including with respect to unprecedented enforcement issued to Texas Eastern Transmission , LP regarding the management of geohazards , an evolving integrity threat in the industry . The informal administrative hearing in this matter occurred in June 2022 and a final order is pending . We are also assisting the company with regulatory analyses of potential CO2 projects , an area where the law is under development , creating new challenges as well as new opportunities .
4 . Enterprise Products — we are currently representing Enterprise in connection with two key liquids pipeline policy proceedings that were initiated by FERC in 2022 . Those proceedings may result in policy changes that will alter the manner in which oil pipelines allocate capacity and transact with their marketing affiliates .
5 . Gas Transmission Northwest ( GTN ) — we represented GTN against a , still pending , challenge filed by the States of California , Oregon , and Washington at FERC seeking to deny an important expansion of the GTN ’ s interstate natural gas pipeline system . We also successfully defended GTN in another proceeding at FERC in which the Columbia Riverkeeper sought rehearing of an order approving GTN ’ s construction of a new compressor station .
6 . Kinder Morgan , Inc . — we represented Kinder Morgan in connection with the Updated Certificate Policy Statement and Greenhouse Gas Policy Statement that FERC issued in February of 2022 . Prior to the issuance of these policy statements , we represented Kinder Morgan in dockets where FERC had request comments on proposed rules regarding the certification of new interstate natural gas pipelines . In response to the policy statements issued in February of 2022 , Bracewell prepared an extensive rehearing request urging FERC to rescind its new policy statements , which FERC ultimately did a little more than a month later . We are also representing Kinder Morgan in connection with a petition that a number of shipper groups filed asking FERC to adopt new rules for the way in which pipelines sell their capacity . On the pipeline safety side , we continue to advise Kinder Morgan on regulatory and compliance issues , including with respect to RNG matters . bracewell . com