Oil & Gas Innovation Summer 2020 Digital | Page 37
people can face when pitching an idea internally
in a corporation?
Bebekon: “it will never work, tried it before,
what makes you so sure, what do you know?”
are typical comments when pitching an idea in
a corporation. Sadly, people that should know
better often have one agenda point: How to
shoot down the idea, how to get the person or
persons down from their pedestal.
The industry misses a lot of ground-breaking
technology that could discover and exploit
new reserves and extend existing fields. Big
corporates have big sectors mitigating risks. But
no one have sectors mitigates opportunities.
What if you could receive a business card saying:
Manger technology opportunity?
New ideas are often met with: “We are happy
and comfortable with the way we are doing it
today. We do not want any changes, good luck
to you”.
The more polite variant: “Come back when the
idea is more mature”. What they really mean:
When someone else, a competitor, is onboard.
Then, the fear of being outdistanced clicks in,
and they may want to listen.
Hierarchy organisation models are resistance
put into system. The best experiences in fast
track innovation projects are results from flat
organizational charts.
OGI: Could you talk about some of the
difficulties that arise in relation to securing
venture capital as an unexperienced person?
Bebekon: Investors see through you. If you
are not prepared, if you have not thoroughly
thought through your case in advance, they have
other fish to fry.
“It’s Not What You Do, It’s Why You Do It”, is a
saying. (Sinek’s theories).
If you do not convince the venture capitalist
that you have established a company with IPR
for a technology with acceptable TRL, that you
understand development risks, represent a team
with sufficient technology and economical
skills, understand the market and the state of
the art, doors are closed.
Freedom to operate and time to market
are often problematised. Likewise, if the
technology need is insufficiently established.
Pitching an idea is demanding. You want to tell
everything in a few minutes, (if you are lucky,
10), explain the problem solved, and finally
you’ll need to convince that it is worthwhile
investing. Focus on value proposition, what
the product is worth for the user – are the
customers willing to pay the cost compared
to the user benefits? Market understanding
and competitors, and, the magnitude of return
of capital vs. time to marked - explain the
business potential.
OGI: Finally, could you enlighten our readers
of a case study where you helped a client with
your solutions?
Bebekon: An oil spill clean-up association had
the need for new and better equipment for
harsh environment. Bebekon facilitated an
innovation campaign and harvested several
sustainable ideas, some of them disruptive
Bebekon may challenge creative people
showing “how we do things in our business”.
For example, tripping operation on a drilling
unit. Crazy ideas may pop up in the head of
people not fastened in established procedures.
That was the background for the company
behind the multiuse, multidiameter, sitting
constantly around the drill string - type
iron roughneck that also are used as a work
platform and lifting device.
The idea and the people behind the fully
robotised drill floor were challenged by
environmental matters in demanding
exploration areas. Securing interest and
funding from established O&G project
organisations with a goal to comply with
political restrictions, was the breakthrough
puzzle piece to get the development going.
Today, the system is available through a
multinational drilling company.
Innovative use of suction anchors, was an idea
captured, adopted and, as for the mentioned
examples, financed by a major oil company.
OGI: Any other examples?
Bebekon: Along with typical “from idea to
business” cases, Bebekon also has case histories
within accusation & mergers. Primarily small
companies in need for a broad network to find
new owners or investors.
OGI: Thank you for your time. •
If you would like to know more about the
solutions discussed in this article please
Bebekon AS
T: +47 916 23 067
W: www.bebekon.no
E: [email protected]