our place ”. The third partner is Mr Yip , the head chef who formerly worked at the Imperial Peking and Dynasty Chinese restaurants in Accra .
They have employed a total of 30 staff most from
Takoradi but a few key people from Accra with experience in Chinese dining . The Han Palace places great emphasis on good service and all staff members underwent a rigorous four week training period under the expert hand of Gary Leung .
The name of the restaurant comes from the Han Dynasty which spanned over four centuries and is regarded as a golden age in Chinese history . Today 90 % of the Chinese population are Han people , and Han Chinese make up about 20 % of the entire global human population , making it the largest ethnic group in the world . The Han Palace serves mostly Han traditional food , which you can find in both Hong Kong and mainland China . A speciality which you can try is the world famous Peking duck in which roasted duck will be carved at your table , the skin used for pancakes and the meat fried with noodles . It comes in two courses which will feed about four or five people but must be ordered at least one day in advance . The restaurant is open every day for both lunch and dinner . It also offers a takeaway service . Phone : 031 202 1999 or 020 392 1538 .
Stephen Shum came to Takoradi in 1984 . www . oilcityghana . com 9